Tuesday, 23 August 2016

IMSI An Answer to Sperms’ Abnormality:Dr Preeti Jindal

By Tricitynews Reporter
Chandigarh 23rd August:- The Touch Clinic has come up with a new microscope machine that will allow infertility specialists to pick the best of sperms for couples interested in conceiving through in-vitro fertilisation (IVF). The machine, called the Intra-Cytoplasmic Morphologically Selected Sperm Injection (IMSI), helps magnify the image of the sperm 6000-7000 times, thereby allowing doctors to pick the best and healthiest sperms. The machine is an improvement over the earlier Intra cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) technique, having the magnification capacity of 400 as opposed to 6000 of the IMSI.
Dr Preeti Jindal, Director and Recurrent Miscarriage Specialist, Infertility specialist at The Touch Clinic, Mohali, said that the machine can be a boon to childless couples, allowing them to conceive through IVF, since sperm selection is a very important part of this technique. In cases where IVF is necessary, doctors use a medical microscope attached to a computer to pick better sperms. Since the procedure of IVF is quite expensive, (Rs 80000- 1, 00,000) couples will be able to invest in the technique with better hopes of success. She further said that normally experts are able to magnify 400 times and pick up and immobilize the sperm to later make an embryo. However, even though we have a high success rate, it is not always possible to make out genetically abnormal sperms at that time in the normal process IMSI helps here.
Dr Lakhbir Dhaliwal, who along with Dr Preeti Jindal played a pivotal role in the introduction of the machine at the hospital,. Dr Preeti Jindal said that IMSI is required in severe abnormality of sperms, repeated IVF and ICSI failures and the higher magnification capacity of the IMSI technology would allow a much clearer measurement of the dimensions of the sperm, which will enhance the chances of successful fertilization. She also added that many studies have indicated that use of IMSI technique in associated with higher successful pregnancies and lower Miscarriage rate.
Dr Preeti Jindal expressed that in any IVF centre, the success rate of pregnancy is maximum 25-30 percent via normal IVF technique and then if we add ICSI, it increases by 10 to 12 percent, and we add IMSI it further increases by 10 to 15 percent. It is estimated that when compared to conventional ICSI if we use IMSI technique then one out of every third sperm which we thought is good for IVF, would be considered abnormal that means magnifying the sperm 6000 times more guarantees its credibility and helps expert to take best treatment for its patient.

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