Saturday, 8 October 2016

Chandigarh Volleyball Association to Conduct Pro Volley League Chandigarh

By Tricitynews Reporter
Chandigarh 08th October:- Chandigarh Volleyball Association (CVA) to conduct Pro Volley League Chandigarh (PVL- Chandigarh) in Chandigarh starting October 2016. Chandigarh Volleyball Association (CVA) has awarded the long-term rights of its Pro Volleyball League- Chandigarh (PVL- Chandigarh) to Delhi based sports IPR Company Republic of Sports (ROS League Pvt Ltd). The first season of the League will kick start on 14th October 2016 at Sector 41 Chandigarh.
Chandigarh Volleyball Association entered into a 10 years contract with Republic of Sports (ROS League Pvt Ltd), a sport IPR Company. ROS has been instrumental in setting up regional and rural volleyball leagues in India, Gramin Volleyball League and Pro Volley Leagues are the flagship sporting leagues based on Volleyball.
CVA president Ashok Khatri said that CVA, as the governing body for Volleyball in Chandigarh, is committed to the growth of the sport in Chandigarh, and is extremely pleased to partner Republic of Sports in its endeavours to grow our sport in Chandigarh.
Commenting on it Anil Oberoi, Secratery General of CVA said that this is the first step taken by the Chandigarh Volleyball Association in many years to improve the volleyball standard in Chandigarh, the players affiliated with the association will get the chance to display their game in front of Chandigarh crowd.
He added that the league format is very simple, we are inviting all the schools, colleges, universities, professional clubs etc to participate in the league, the format is set to bring the competitiveness among the teams and eventually will get the Chandigarh Champion on 16th October.
Deepak Rathi, from ROS League Private Limited said that we are extremely honoured to be granted the long-term rights of a very prestigious league like the Pro Volley League- Chandigarh. We have been delivered the first edition of Gramin Volley League Uttar Pradesh, with huge success. We hope to make PVL one of the most admired leagues of the country by bringing the best players to take part in it.
We thank our sponsors and partners for supporting this league, the season #1 of Pro Volley League- Chandigarh is sponsored by Republic of Sports, and Market Online app, Nikon Camera, pain relief partner of the league is Nise-Gel.

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