Friday, 10 February 2017

Hindi Book ‘1996 Mein Everest Ki Jeet ki Gauravmai Gatha’ Released

By Tricitynews Reporter
Chandigarh 10th February:- After successful Punjabi book ‘Everest 1996 ' , its author Mohinder Singh, Commandant (Retd.), ITBP has now come up with its Hindi version ‘1996 Mein Everest Ki Jeet ki Gauravmai Gatha’ i.e. ‘ The epic tale of the victory of Mount Everest in 1996’.  The Hindi version of book was released by Arvind Kumar, IPS at ITBP, Transport Battalion, Behlana Camp near Airport , Chandigarh today.
The author was a leader of ITBP expedition to Everest through North-Col route in 1996.
Interestingly Everest had been climbed through 13 principal different routes since 1953. But the most formidable and difficult route is the approach from North Col- Tibet (China).  
Published by Unistar Books Pvt. Limited, Chandigarh, ‘1996 Mein Everest Ki Jeet ki Gauravmai Gatha’ is a gripping story, climber's un­ending determination to win a mountain and of nature's chilling riposte, resolute character. And final acceptance of sacrifice, a disastrous the cliff walk, death trap atop the world, dead climber's walk, the dead and the daring defy of universal moral rule. How victory fever repelled the mountaineers whose physio-psychological assessment was graded.
The book unfolds step by step the captivating drama of single-minded human efforts pitted against innumerable odds, the stark elements thrust at the dramatic personae, nail biting excitement, jolt of setbacks, throbbing anticipation, tantalizing goal, pain and agony of three tragic deaths, anguish of anxiety, triumph and tragedy, sorrow, happiness, aching and joys.
In book ,  Author brings the 78 days climbing adventure. The book ends on historical feat of reaching the top but not before infamous tragedy where 3-member of team lost their lives while getting stuck in worst ever snow blizzard the Everest witnessed.    
Mohinder Singh is a renowned climber and mountaineer award winner. Civil Engineer by profession Mohinder Singh retired after served in ITBP for 35-yr . He has done extensive trekking in Indian Himalayas for continuous 25-ys and also climbed in Alps. He has the distinction of being successful leadership of the first ever climb of Mount Everest from the route of North-Col Tibet (China) side. He has been honoured with the coveted title "KHAN GRID" by government of Mongolia in 1995 under the Culture Exchange Programme between India & Mongolia. He has also been decorated with Indian Police Medal (IPM) for meritorious services in 1997 and Maharaja Ranjeet Singh Award by Punjab State Government in 1998.

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