Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Peer Educator Training Organized

By Tricitynews Reporter
Chandigarh 22nd February:- Peer Educator training was organized  today jointly by Rashtriya Kishore Swasthya Karyakaram  under the National Health Mission Chandigarh  and Social Pediatrics Unit, Advanced Pediatrics Center. Nearly 200 children   of class 7th and 8th of the local  and private schools along with their school teachers attended the workshop . Rashtriya Kishore Swasthya Karyakram (RKSK) is an initiative of MoHFW to respond to the health and development needs of adolescents in holistic manner between the age group of 10-19 years. Under RKSK, Peer Educator (PE) Programme is an important community based intervention in which adolescent students from the schools are oriented and trained on the important adolescent health issues such mental health, prevention of injuries and violence (Gender Based Violence) and prevention of substance misuse. Dr Paramjyoti, nodal officer, RKSK, inaugurated the workshop by explaining the essence of peer education.
Dr Sahul Bharti, narrated various stories as well as showed some videos related to routine emergencies and first aid measures. Neil, Chairperson, Child Welfare committee also addressed various issues related to child abuse, child labor as well as child begging. He informed children about three important numbers to be   contacted in case they ever come across any emergency 100 (Police) 1098 ( Childline ) and 181 ( Childhelpline Chandigarh )
Deputy Director of the Institute of correctional administration Dr Upneet Lalli explained various rights of children whereas State Legal Officer, Rajeshwar Singh   informed children regarding free legal aid available for those who cannot afford the services. Children were also educated about the ongoing project of Health Promoting schools under Dr JS Thakur and were encouraged to assist their school health authorities for accreditation. Dr Jagdeep Kaur, explained various dental health issues to the children whereas Dr Pooja, decoded various reproductive health issues for girl’s participants. Dr Sandeep Grover delivered a motivating lecture on mental health issues and drug addiction. The issue of bullying including cyber-bullying was discussed in depth by Dr Monica Rana .
Dr Bhavneet Bharti, finally, concluded the workshop by motivating the children to continue the ongoing process of peer education. She said that this activity will be an ongoing activity in future for training the school children. These students are expected to conduct further workshops in their schools with the help of their teachers.

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