Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Lions Club Partners with Manappuram Finance to Develop Batala Park

By Tricitynews Reporter
Chandigarh 01st March:- Lions Clubs International (LCI), an international NGO serving communities in over 200 countries worldwide, has inked an MoU with Manappuram Finance Ltd., a leading gold loan NBFC, to jointly develop public and municipal parks across India. Over the next one year, the project will develop 100 public and municipal parks in cities across India with children’s play equipment and exercising equipment for adults. The cost will be shared by Lions Clubs of India and Manappuram Finance Ltd.
The first park under the project at Batala, Punjab, was inaugurated on 18 February 2017 by Dr Naresh Aggarwal, the current International First Vice President of LCI.  Incidentally, the Batala born Dr. Naresh Aggarwal is due to take over as International President of LCI in July 2017, and will become only the third Indian to hold this prestigious office.
A large number of people including prominent citizens of Batala, Lion members and representatives of Manappuram Finance Ltd. were present at the inauguration. The initiative received much acclaim from the audience.
Lions Clubs International (LCI) is celebrating 100 years of existence. As part of the centennial celebrations, the Lion members in India have taken up several innovative programs for the overall betterment of quality of life of people at large.

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