Thursday, 2 March 2017

PGI is organizing 6th Annual Conference of ISPNS-2017 from 3rd to 5th March

By Tricitynews Reporter
Chandigarh 02nd March:- The department of Plastic Surgery at PGIMER, Chandigarh is organizing the 6th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Peripheral Nerve Surgery (ISPNS) 2017 from 3rd to 5th March 2017.  The society aims at improving the management of nerves injuries which include Brachial Plexus and the nerve supplying the upper and lower limb.  This year one of the cranial nerves, the facial nerve, has also been included for discussion.   The nerve injuries have become common these days as a result of Road Side Accidents involving two wheelers and four wheelers.  The nerves can also be damaged because of infections like leprosy.  A one day hands on workshop using cadaver dissections is also being organized on 3rd March.  The experts will demonstrate and teach various methods to manage the nerve injuries in this dissection course.  The ISPNS meeting is being attended by more than 100 delegates from all parts of India.  Various experts who are masters in fields of nerve injuries will share their experience with the participants. to all.

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