Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Six day International Public Health Management Development Programme:Panelist Discussed Issues,Opportunities and Challenges in Health Organizations

By Tricitynews Reporter
Chandigarh 21st March:- On the second day the sessions started with feedback on the previous day sessions from participants and discussion of case studies brought by participants.
Dr Sonu Goel, Additional Professor, School of Public Health, PGI, Chandigarh and Program Director introduced the concept of project management and importance of Planning, Organizing, Controlling and measuring in national health programs.
Dr Preethi Pradhan, Dean, Chitkara School of Health Sciences Chitkara University, Punjab took a session on human resource planning and job analysis, training needs assessment and skill development recruitment and selection. The session would help participants in applying principles of Human Resource Management like recruitment and selection, performance appraisal in their respective health care setting. By means of case studies, she also discussed application of theory in public health.
Dr Manjushri Faculty of Punjab University deliberated on Inventory Control Techniques in Healthcare Organizations. She discussed purpose, importance and various techniques of inventory management in public health systems. By means of case studies, she mentioned role of correctly projecting drugs/equipments in hospitals to avoid stock outs and improve drug supplies, so that all patients get drugs timely. 
Dr. Arun Aggarwal, Professor of Community Medicine, School of Public Health, PGI, Chandigarh briefed audience about material planning and forecasting technique, and purchase and procurement procedures. He described that all steps followed in purchase and procurement should be expedited for optimal functioning of hospitals and better patient care. All sessions were highly interactive and followed by their respective case study, relevant videos and associated management games. There was also an outdoor activity in the form of management games at plaza sector 17 which was thoroughly enjoyed by participants.

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