Tuesday, 25 April 2017

FICCI to Host Round Table Summit on Skilling India

By Tricitynews Reporter
Chandigarh 25th April:- National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTTR) and Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) are jointly hosting a skill summit round table on consolidation and networking with Sector Skill Councils (SSC’s) for skilling India at NITTTR Sector 26 here on April 28
Giving the information, G.B. Singh, Regional Head, FICCI said that the summit would be a unique platform in itself with an active participation of 25 SSCs, more than 40 VTPs (Vocational Training Providers) and 10 CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) companies. The roundtable has been kept with an aim to deliberate on the role of different agencies and SSC’s in Skill Development and to take stock of national occupation standards and qualification packs evolved by different SSC’s. 
He said that the focus of the roundtable would be to work out a mechanism to develop linkages for networking between training providers and the Sector Skill Councils and to understand the mechanism of carrying out assessment of prior learning at the level of training institutions. Another important goal of the summit would be formulation of strategies for sustainable and integrated skill development involving different agencies and stakeholders. 
He added further that this event would have an active participation of all the stakeholders across the nation and the ideas exchanged during the summit and a intended road map would be laid in the roundtable, which would be helpful in gaining an insight into the future course of action and realizing the goals of skilled manpower which can contribute directly to nation building.

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