Monday, 24 April 2017

Max Hospital organizes Free Multispecialty Health Camp at Hamirpur

By Tricitynews Reporter
Hamirpur 24th April:- As many as 150 people attended a Max Super Specialty Hospital, Mohali free multispecialty health camp at Community Center, Bhaddu near here today.  The camp was organized in association with Rotary Club, Hamirpur.
 A team of doctors including Dr. Ranjit Singh from Internal Medicine, Dr. Pushkin Sharma from Orthopaedics , Dr. Apporva Sharma from Gyanecology and DrRavandeep Kaur the Dietician provided free consultations to people during camp. The tests like Blood Sugar, Blood Pressure, BMD (Bone Mineral Density and ECG (On recommendation) were offered free of cost in the camp.
Sandeep Dogra, Senior Vice President and Zonal Head of Max Hospitals Punjab said that it has been our constant endeavor to make healthcare services accessible to all. We provide standardized, seamless and international-class healthcare services to our patients. Organizing such free medical camps is one of the steps to address the health concerns of all patients in line with the Max Group philosophy of ‘seva-bhav”.
Dr. G P Malik, Medical Advisor and Director, Internal Medicine at Max Super Specialty Hospital, Mohali said that we at have always strived to provide our patients with the best and the latest available technology there is to offer. With this objective, our team of expert doctors has come together to counsel people for their Internal medicine, orthopaedic and bone related problems.

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