Friday, 14 April 2017

PGI Celebrates Birth Anniversary of Dr B R Ambedkar

By Tricitynews Reporter
Chandigarh 14th April:- PGI celebrated the birth anniversary of “The founding father of modern India” Bharat Ratna Baba saheb Dr Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar on the 14th of April 2017 at the Lecture Theatre Complex, Nehru Hospital. This auspicious occasion commemorated the 126th birth anniversary of one of the greatest personalities of modern India. The institute paid tribute to this great son of the Indian soil who is not only known to be an astute educationist, economist and administrator but also a social reformer, political thinker, parliamentarian and constitutionalist of exceptionally high order.
The Director of PGIMER, Chandigarh, Honourable Dr Jagat Ram was invited as the chief guest. Prof. Subhash Varma (Dean, PGI) and Prof. Digambar Behera (Sr. Prof. and Head, Department of Pulmonology, PGI) were the guest of honor and Prof. B. R. Thapa (Sr. Prof. and Head, Department of Gastroenterology, PGI) and Prof. A. K. Mandal (Sr. Prof. and Head, Department of Urology, PGI) were the speakers for the day. Dr S. P. Mandal (President) and Rishipal Gautam (Secretary) of the SC & ST Employees Welfare Association of PGIMER, Chandigarh was also present on the dais. The dignitaries paid homage to Babasahebwith flowers and by garlanding his photograph. Dr Mandal welcomed the audience and briefed about the event.
Prof B R Thapa enlightened about the contribution of this luminous patriot of India and his global contribution to the human existence. He said that despite being born in the lowest caste of the country and facing all kinds of oppression and the curse of “untouchability”, but with his will power, dedication and love for the nation Dr Ambedkar rose to a position from which he could advocate a social democracy firmly established on the principles of liberty, equality, fraternity and humanity which was beyond caste, creed and gender.
Prof Mandal emphasized that Babasaheb not only became the father of the Indian constitution but also laid the economic foundation of the nation. Noble laurel Dr Amartya Sen claimed Dr Ambedkar to be his father in economics and Mr Barak Obama (Former President, USA) while addressing the Indian parliament in 2010 referred and paid tribute to Dr Ambedkar.
Prof. Behera guided by taking examples from real life situations to stress how transformations are taking place in the society based on the principals of equality, liberty and fraternity to nurture the nation of Babasaheb’s dreams.  
Prof. Varma reiterated the importance of hygiene, community health and sanitation as advocated by Babasaheb and taking precedence from his life underscored the value of hard work, perseverance and dedication in all spheres of life.
Prof. Jagat Ram also guided the august gathering on the pious occasion with his words of wisdom. He suggested taking inspiration from the challenges that transformed Dr Ambedkar into a national champion and a global personality. He highlighted the contributions of Babasaheb in nation building at various levels for which he was awarded the rare honor of “Bharat Ratna”. He reiterated that the PGIMER was bound to abide and followed the path shown by the esteemed leader.
All the dignitaries were felicitated by the SC & ST employees of PGI with mementos and 13 employees were honored for their contribution and dedication to the PGI. The association also presented a life size portrait of Babasaheb to the Director, PGI Prof. Jagat Ram. The program ended with a vote of thanks by the Rishipal Gautam followed by the national anthem.

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