Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Safe Laboratory Practices Discussed at MCM

By Tricitynews Reporter
Chandigarh 05th April:- The Science Society of MCM DAV College for Women organized a highly informative lecture on Laboratory Safety Practices by Dr. A. R. Chaudhary of IISER, Mohali, organized with the aim of sensitizing the participants about the serious consequences of laboratory hazards and the ways to safeguard against them, the lecture was well-attended by students, faculty and laboratory attendants of all the Science departments of MCM.
Dr. A. R. Chaudhary apprised the participants of the different types of hazards one can encounter in the laboratory and elaborated on the pertinent safety theories and practices including the use of emergency equipment and protective gear. This was followed by a visit to Central Scientific Instruments Organization, Chandigarh with the aim to help students experience the laboratory safety practices being followed there. 
Lauding this effort of the Science Society to encourage and promote safe and efficient working practices in laboratory, MCM Principal Nisha Bhargava reiterated the importance of following correct procedures while working in laboratory in order to avoid any mishap.

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