Monday, 8 May 2017

Food Safety and Standards Department organizes Food Safety Awareness Campaign

By Tricitynews Reporter
Chandigarh 08th May:- The Food Safety and Standards Department, Chandigarh Administration along with Department of Public Health, PGI organized a Food Safety Awareness Campaign in Sector-40, Chandigarh.
Sukhwinder Singh, Designated Officer, Chandigarh Administration delivered a lecture on Food Safety and made aware the general public about various diseases caused due to consumption of adulterated food. He informed the public that it’s a joint responsibility to curb menace of food adulteration. Sukhwinder Singh also made aware the residents about the difference of genuine and adulterated food articles through power point presentation. Residents were made aware about the various provisions of food laws.
Dr. Amarjeet singh Professor, PGI also parted education about diet the resident have to follow in their routine life. A Mobile Food Testing lab was also stationed by the department for on the spot food testing of food articles. Also samples of various food articles adulterated and genuine were shown to residents to make them aware the purity of the products. 25 number of various food articles brought by the resident were tested on the spot. Large number of resident attended the campaign.

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