Saturday, 17 June 2017

Fortis Hospital Introduces MOCA Technique to Treat Varicose Veins

                                                  Photo By Parveen Kumar
By Tricitynews Reporter
Chandigarh 17th June:- Fortis Hospital, Mohali introduced a new technique Mechanico Chemical Ablation of the Varicose Veins (MOCA) to treat Varicose Veins for the first time in India. This modern technique is a simple technique that doesn’t require application of tumescent anesthesia. A special catheter is introduced in the vein of the patient and vein is ablated along with foam sclerotherapy. Dr Ravul Jindal, Director, Vascular Surgery, Fortis Hospital, Mohali spoke about this unique technique.
Varicose Veins can occur in any part of the body but it is especially seen in legs. Beyond being a cosmetic concern, this painful condition results in enlarged and gnarled veins and it should be treated at the earliest to avoid any further complexity. Some of the most common symptoms include veins that are purple or blue in color along with twisted veins. The situation becomes painful when there is a heavy feeling in the leg or burning, throbbing, muscle cramping and swelling in lower legs. One can experience worsened pain after sitting or standing for a long time. The new MOCA treatment uses a patented Flebogrif catheter which is a relatively new endovascular technique to cure venous reflux disease. 
Speaking about the technique, Dr Ravul Jindal said that this is a technique that waxes eloquence in the treatment of varicose veins as against traditional method that requires anesthesia and hospitalization. It is designed in a way to plug any chance of its recurrence or a trail of multiple cuts. The new treatment is not only less painful but can treat a leg in 20 minutes and within two hours before the patient can go home. It is important that an expert like vascular surgeon perform this surgery.
He said that the ailment is usually characterized by aching and heavy legs, ankle swelling, dilated bluish bulge under the skin, redness, dryness and itchiness of skin. In some people, the skin above ankle may shrink because fat underneath it becomes hard. The symptoms also include whitened, irregular scar-like patches that can appear at the ankles or patient can have chronic non-healing ulcers. He said that the disease marks an indication of a malfunction of venous system and should be evaluated by a vascular surgery specialist.
Dr Ravul Jindal further added that even after the procedure, the patient is on fewer medications and post-procedure care. At Fortis Hospital, Mohali, we have always believed in introducing cutting edge technologies for excellent patient care. We have been treating varicose veins through modern modality of lasers, radiofrequency and foam sclerotherapy. The laser procedure involves puncture of vein under ultrasound guidance and burning it using diode laser. This technique is combined with foam sclerotherapy to ablate small veins. It is safe and painless. Patients can return home the same day, as compared to conventional surgery where they had to be hospitalized. Laser procedure is performed under local anesthesia and is scar-free. There are no cuts or stitches. As it causes minimal damage to tissues, it’s especially useful in patients who are on blood thinners, are obese, have a groin infection, and are old or patients who are scared of surgery. Patients can return to normal life within 24 hours, except for undertaking vigorous exercise.

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