Friday, 28 July 2017

Chandigarh Going to Start Measles Rubella Campaign in Chandigarh

By Tricitynews Reporter
Chandigarh 28th July:- Chandigarh is going to inaugurate the Measles Rubella Campaign on August 3, 2017. India has resolved to eliminate Measles & Control Rubella by 2020.In this regard, Government of India plans to cover the whole county in the phase wise strategy .First phase of this MR Campaign was held at Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Pondicherry, Goa & Lakshadweep. In the 2nd Phase U.T Chandigarh along with Daman &Diu, Andhra Pradesh, Dadar & Nagar Haveli, Telangana & Uttarkhand are to conduct the Measles Rubella Immunization campaign in the month of August.
Measles is highly infectious disease caused by a virus and an estimated 50,000 to 100,000 children die from measles annually, making it one of the leading causes of child death in India. Measles can be prevented by immunizing children with two doses of measles vaccine which is safe and effective. An MR Campaign offers a second opportunity to ensure population immunity against measles. The aim of the campaign is to cover 100% of the targeted children.
Rubella is also an infectious yet mild viral illness affecting both children and adults that can cause death and disabilities in the newborn if an unprotected pregnant woman gets infected with rubella virus in early pregnancy. Rubella virus has the potential to cause abortions, stillbirths and severe birth defects known as congenital rubella syndrome (CRS), including deafness and blindness in the newborn child. This may lead to serious lifelong disabilities, which is a huge burden to the family and society (nearly 30000 estimated CRS cases in the country per year).
All children aged 9 months to less than 15 years will be vaccinated regardless of previous vaccination status or history of measles/rubella-like illness. We are targeting 100% Coverage with at least 95% Evaluated coverage.
The MR campaign will be conducted over 4-5 weeks. The vaccination will be conducted in schools during the first two weeks and later in community sessions (Anganwaris Centres) & Fixed Session Sites (Health Facilities). Out of the total target of around 3 Lakh beneficiaries, more than 75% of target population would be covered in schools.
Government of India through MOHFW, Department of Health & Family Welfare, Department of Women and Child Development, Department of Education, WHO, UNICEF, IAP, ). IMA, Lions Club are the partners of MR Campaign in UT Chandigarh. 

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