Monday, 31 July 2017

NINE Releases Book in Clinical Nursing Procedure

By Tricitynews Reporter
Chandigarh 31st July:- A book entitled “Clinical Nursing Procedures authored by the faculty of NINE Under the stewardship of Dr. Sandhya Ghai as the editor in chief and Principal, NINE, PGIMER Chandigarh was released on 31st July, 2017 by esteemed dignitaries including Prof. Jagat Ram, Director PGI, Amitabh Awasthi, Deputy Director Administration PGI, Prof. Subhash Verma, Dean PGI, Prof. Rajesh Kumar, Sub Dean PGI, Chandigarh.
This manual is a useful resource for all the undergraduate, postgraduate and practicing nurses. An attempt has been made to give a comprehensive approach to it by including all the procedures of various specialties. The authors have tried their level best to explain all the procedures clearly and succinctly as per the Indian context. Each procedure in the book has undergone a process of refinement through their various drafts by the experts.     
As per the specialty, the book is primarily organized into two six main sections. Section I elaborates the procedures of Nursing Foundation, Section II details upon the procedures in Medical Surgical Nursing, Section III covers the procedures of Mental Health Nursing, Section IV contains the Obstetric and Gynae procedures, and section V and sections VI covers the Child Heath Nursing and Community Health Nursing procedures respectively.
The manual has been prepared as per the syllabus of Indian Nursing Council. Similarity in writing style has been maintained throughout the book. Each chapter starts with the key words and the introduction/definition to focus the attention of the readers.  It is followed by purposes, points to remember, articles required, steps including the pre procedural, during procedure, and the post procedural, termination and the references. Important considerations are shown in a box at the end of each procedure.  Appropriate figures and photographs have been added.
The chapters have been written and edited by experts in each field. They have incorporated the evidences from research and their own professional experience while writing or editing the procedures.
The Book is published by Delhi based CBS publishers. Prof. Jagat Ram, Director, PGI, Chandigarh and all dignitaries appreciated the effort done by the faculty of NINE which will be useful for the Nursing fraternity of future generations.

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