Monday, 24 July 2017

State Task Force Must Accelerate Its Activity to Check outbreak of Dengue and Chikungunya: Brahm Mohindra

By Tricitynews Reporter
Chandigarh 24th July:- Brahm Mohindra today sought action taken report from 11 concerned departments within week with regard to the preliminary arrangements done by them to check the potential outbreak of Dengue and Chikungunya in the state. The instruction in this regard was issued by the Minister in the meeting of the State Task Force constituted to check the menace of Dengue and Chikungunya.
The Health Minister said that in the inter departmental meeting held three months ago all the concerned departments were asked to furnish the action taken report but despite this 3 departments didn’t even respond. He said that these departments have shown the lackadaisical approach by ignoring the instructions and advisory of the Health Department.
In the Meeting K.K. Yadav, Director, Local Government has been instructed to procure the fogging machines and pesticides well in time and act swiftly to check the outbreak of Dengue and Chikungunya. The Minister said that there is widespread case of breeding of Dengue and Chikungunya mosquitoes like in Ludhiana 398 cases in Faridkot 213, Fazilka 180, Fatehgarh Sahib 153, Bathinda 132. He said that Local Government department hardly act in the cases of violations of rules. He said that Department of Local Government has to ensure challaning of the offenders and to ensure spraying and fogging in the areas to prevent the disease. It is the prime responsibility of the Municipal Committees and urban local bodies to ensure that the approved insecticides are procured before the season and spraying is done in all the urban towns from where majority cases of dengue and chikungunya are being reported.
Health Minister instructed P.K. Goyal, Director, School Education to sensitize the students during the Morning Prayer regarding the precautionary measures to be taken for the spread of Dengue and Chikunguya.
Paramvir Singh, A.D.M. Transport Department apprised the Minister that every condemned material at the service stations like Tyres, Junk Material has already been disposed off. He assured the Health Minister the remaining condemned material would be disposed off soon and every step to stop the reproduction of Mosquitoes larva would be taken. He said that the till now larva of Dengue and Chikunguya has not been found in any of the service station of the state.
Brahm Mohindra issued instructions to the Indian Medical Association to ensure that Private Hospitals regularly are sending report of Dengue and Chikunguniya cases to the Health Department so that effective steps in the affected areas must be taken.

The Minister said that the Health Department is having Dengue and Chikunguniya test kits in sufficient number. He said that treatment of Dengue and Chikunguniya is free in all the Government Hospitals whereas test of these is totally free in 26 hospitals of the state. Separate wards have already been set up in the hospitals.

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