Saturday, 23 September 2017

Lt. Governor Puducherry, Dr. Kiran Bedi Leads The 10 km Cyclothon

By Tricitynews Reporter
Chandigarh 23rd September:- Taking the awareness drive, initiated by Sadhguru, Isha Foundation to make the nation aware of the depleting rivers of India and the immediate need to revive them, a step ahead a cycle rally, lead by the Lt. Governor of Puducherry, Dr. Kiran Bedi was held in Chandigarh today.
According to a press release issued by the Isha Foundation, the Chandigarh Rally for Rivers Cyclothon , an awareness drive originated from  Sukhna Lake , covering a distance of 10 kms, culminated at the starting point. The Rally was flagged off jointly by Dr. Kiran Bedi Lt Governor of Puducherry and Kavita Singh MD CITCO.
Dr  Kiran Bedi herself did cycling for the entire distance of the rally along with many enthusiast bikers from the Chandigarh Cycling Club (CCC) and riders from various cycling groups across the tri city like Riders of Storm, a club within CCC. Diverse groups such as the Distance Runners Club, NCC & NSS groups across Chandigarh and of course enthusiastic volunteers from Rally for Rivers campaign and residents of the city also participated in the exciting cyclothon.
Supporting and endorsing the cause of the Isha Foundation in generating awareness about the depleting rivers of India, Dr Kiran Bedi said  that we are pleased to be part of this awareness campaign it is heartening to see the rising receptiveness around the country to save our fading rivers. She added that it is great to see the sea of people   together to fight for a common cause that threatens the country.
Dr. Kiran Bedi made an appeal that every weekend a rally should be organized for a social cause like cleanliness, child abuse, corruption, traffic awareness etc as a part of the drive to address problems of city. She mentioned that today's rally was her 106th weekend Rally, in continuity with the cycle rallies which she has been leading in Puducherry for connecting with people for common causes.

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