Wednesday, 8 November 2017

PGI Pediatric Hematologist Wins Prestigious Award

By Tricitynews Reporter

Chandigarh 08th November:- Dr. Prateek Bhatia, Assistant Professor  Pediatric Hematology Lab, PGIMER has been awarded the prestigious Dr. KC Das Memorial Award for best Published Research in Basic Haematology at the recently concluded 58th Annual Meeting of Indian Society of Haematology and Transfusion Medicine at Guwahati . The award had been instituted in the memory of Late Prof. KC Das who was pioneer in establishing basic haematology research in India and Dr. Prateek Bhatia is the first recipient of this award. The research work published by Dr. Bhatia was on “Systematic evaluation of paediatric cohort with iron refractory iron deficiency anaemia (IRIDA) phenotype reveals multiple TMPRSS6 gene variations” and was published in April 2017 in British Journal of Haematology with an editorial. The award included a certificate and a cash prize of Rs. 12000/-. 

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