Friday, 3 November 2017

UILS Conducts ‘Intra Moot Court Competition, 2017’

By Tricitynews Reporter
Chandigarh 03rd November:- University Institute of Legal Studies, Panjab University, Chandigarh is conducting ‘Intra Moot Court Competition, 2017’ from 2-4 November, 2017. A moot court is a simulation of real court like situation where law students are made to
debate and persuade their side of the case, by pleading, and also drafting and submitting legal documents, judgments and reports.
On the day 2 of the competition, the preliminary rounds for both, group 1 and group 2, were conducted. The group 1 had 94 teams, due to which this group was divided into two slots for conducting the preliminary rounds, whereas group 2 had 27 teams.
The teams faced their opponents with a great vigour today, debating, persuading and manipulating the case in their favour. The fear in Intra Moot Court Competitions, is not of the opponents, it’s usually of judges as they have a tendency to grill, ask legally technical questions about the law, its procedure, its case laws, official documents and relevant reports.
The Top 8 teams have entered the finals for the competition to be held November 4, 2017.    It takes months of preparation and drafting to enter the final round of competition.

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