Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Civil Dispensary, Sec-49 Celebrates World Malaria Day

By Tricity News
Chandigarh 25th April:- On occasion of World Malaria Day, Civil Dispensary, sec 49 run by Deptt. Of Community Medicine, PGIMER conducted awareness generation session in Economically Weaker Society (EWS) of sector 49 under guidance of Dr Madhu Gupta, Faculty –in-charge of the dispensary. Dr Bashar, Senior resident, Community Medicine, PGIMER delivered the health talk to the audience and told about the various aspects of the disease like its symptoms, its causative organism and ways to prevent it. He specifically emphasized on the need of maintaining cleanliness in and around their houses as the causative organism, the female Anopheles, breeds in dirty water like that of drains and emphasized on the use of bed nets and wearing of full sleeve cloths during evening. Ms. Veda, Staff Nurse, Civil dispensary told about the need of early identification of diseases and seeking medical care. A total of 30 participants attended the session and were benefited from it.
A painting competition was also held based on the theme of prevention of malaria and other vector borne diseases among school children of government Model School, sector 49.

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