Monday, 30 April 2018

Heartfulness Institute Achieves Milestone of Relocating and Replanting over 1,000 Trees

By TricityNews
Chandigarh 30th April:- Heartfulness Institute (, located at Kanha Shantivanam, Hyderabad, announced that it has successfully completed a milestone of translocating over 1,000 trees in just over a year, with the replantation of the latest batch of 120 trees– coconut trees aged around 15 years from Karur District, Tamil Nadu. Sixty trees in the recent batch arrived Kanha Shanti Vanam on Saturday and the Heartfulness team successfully replanted them within the Shri Ram Chandra Mission premises in Kanha Shanti vanam, Hyderabad. With this, the Heartfulness Institute achieves the rare distinction of having undertaken such a massive initiative of not just relocating but also nurturing the trees. Every year of the tree’s existence brings incremental benefits, by extending the longevity of the trees, and Heartfulness Institute preserves these benefits for the planet.
Commenting on the achievement, Kamlesh Patel, also known as Daaji, the fourth Global Guide of Heartfulness said that trees are the single most important assets on this planet. Their role and usefulness are beyond measure and most often our understanding. Apart from preservation of the planet itself in the physical sense, trees also exude spiritual qualities that help preserve and retain divinity and create the required balance on a different level. It is therefore important that the number of trees is increase and more importantly existing trees are protected from being destroyed. One tree saved is equivalent to hundreds of them being planted.
Relocation and replanting of mature trees is a very complex, technical and often costly process. Trees are mostly displaced because of development and need to be very delicately handled to ensure their survival. The soil around the tree for a 4 to 5 feet diameter width and depth is first dug, then the roots are delicately cut, and the tree is loaded for transportation along with a huge quantity of soil.

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