Wednesday, 2 May 2018

‘Animal Health Camp and Kisan Goshthi’ Held at Khuda Lahora

By Tricity News
Chandigarh 02nd May:- The Animal Husbandry Department U.T. Chandigarh organised an ‘Animal  Health Camp and  Kisan Goshthi’ today at village Khuda Lahora, U.T. Chandigarh on the eve of “Farmers Welfare Day”(Kisan Kalyaan Diwas).
The Camp was presided over by Capt Karnail Singh, Director Animal Husbandry. In his address he appealed the farmers to adopt scientific practices of Animal Husbandry by keeping quality animals to increase their income. He also appealed them to coordinate with Animal Husbandry Department for attaining maximum benefits out of various Govt. Schemes.
On this occasion Dr. Yashwant Singh, Deputy Director Krishi Vigyan Kendra Mohali, Punjab delivered a key note address on the subject of doubling farmers income through adopting various scientific methods of Animal Husbandry practices. The Veterinary Officers of the department also spoke on various topics like Animal Health Care, Animal Nutrition and Dairy Farming Management and also interacted with livestock owner on the issues concerning them.
Dr Kanwarjit Singh, Joint Director, Animal Husbandry revealed that this program has been organized to promote social harmony, reach out to poor rural households, obtain feedback on ongoing programmes, enrol in new initiatives, focus on doubling farmers income, enhance livelihood opportunities in regard to adoption of latest Animal Husbandry practices in Chandigarh.
Government of India, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare is celebrating 2nd May 2018 as “Farmers Welfare Day” for disseminating information regarding interventions relating to development of Animal Husbandry Dairying and Fisheries to Farmers, Self Help Groups, Individuals etc for doubling the income of farmers by 2020, through organizing Awareness Camps etc.
The Camp was attended by large number of progressive dairy farmers, self help groups, member of nearby village panchayat and public.

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