Tuesday, 29 May 2018

“Haryana Bachao-Privartan Laao” Cycle Yatra Announced: Will Starts from May 31

By Tricitynews
Chandigarh 29th May:-- Dr. Ashok Tanwar, former M.P., President, Haryana Pradesh Congress Committee has announced the second phase of “Haryana Bachao-Privartan Laao” Cycle Yatra from Chautala in Sirsa district starting from May 31.  The yatra, which has taken the shape of a mass movement, will expose the anti-people policies of BJP Government at the Center and in Haryana.  The yatra will be joined by Lal Ji Desai, Chief Organizer of Congress Seva Dal, Ch. Ranjit Singh and Ch. Ishwar Singh, both former M.Ps. A number of senior leaders of AICC, a number of ex-Minisrters, Ex-M.Ps., Ex-M.L.As., Party candidates of last Vidhan Sabha elections, Mahila Congress, N.S.U.I. and many other social leaders will reach Chautala (Sirsa) to give their blessings to the yatra. On the first day, Shri Lalji Desai will himself cycle from Chautala to Kalanwali.
In the scorching heat of May, Dr. Tanwar will lead the Cycle Yatra covering more than 350 Kms. passing through 200 villages of five Vidhan Sabha constituencies. The first phase of the cycle yatra had started from Kalka and concluded at Pehowa.  Under this phase Dr. Tanwar has exposed the misdeeds of the Khattar Government like scam in the name of Sarsvati river, Sand Mafia in Yamuna area under the nose and collusion of senior BJP leaders, the corrupt deeds of BJP leaders of Kurukshetra and Ambala and gundagardi of INLD leaders. Similarly during the second phase of the yatra, the partiality of the BJP Government with Sirsa Lok Sabha constituency and this phase will start from Chautala to expose the INLD, B team of BJP. The shortage of employment avenues, rising prices of petrol, diesel and LPG and anti-farmer, anti-labour policies of BJP will be exposed. This mass movement will prove to be “Ashvamegh Yagya” for the removal of BJP Government and making Rahul Gandhi the Minister.
In the scorching heat undertaking the cycle yatra will be a lesson for the political families and the Ministers who move in high-end cars and enjoy foreign jaunts and mislead the poor people, farmers, labour and youth while enjoying the comfort of air-conditioned rooms. During the last four years, Dr. Tanwar has hauled up BJP and its co-traveler INLD on anti-people issues and has carved a niche in the hearts of the working class.

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