Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Microsoft Offers Windows 10 Parental Controls that Help Children Stay Safe Online

By Tricitynews
Chandigarh 19th June:- Summer holidays are here and with the soaring temperatures kids tend to spend a lot more time indoors, and on the internet. While the cyber world has a lot of positive activities and avenues for learning, it comes with its own risks, especially for children. According to the recent Microsoft Digital Civility Index, teens reported much higher and frequent online risks than adults. The report also found that parents can have the greatest impact on the digital safety of their kids, with a large number of teens placing their faith and trust in parents to keep them safe.
According to Dr. Jyoti Kapoor Madan, a Senior Psychiatrist, parents need to be more attentive and alert about their child’s surroundings in the cyber world. They should also watch for behavioural change caused due to emotional abuse online, and must take preventive measures. While they need to enable their kids with devices and access to the internet, to stay attuned and competitive, they must ensure, at the same time that the devices are equipped with the best safety and security features.

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