Monday, 16 July 2018

Khattar Govt. Befuddle the People of Haryana by Announcing New Schemes: Ashok Tanwar

By Tricitynews
Chandigarh 16th July:- Dr. Ashok Tanwar, former M.P., President, Haryana Pradesh Congress Committee has said that the CM Manohar Lal Khattar Government has become habitual in announcing new schemes every day to befuddle the people of Haryana without caring about the status of the earlier announcements made by the Government from time to time. He said that the information given by the Agriculture Minister to the Media is merely a bundle of lies nothing else.
This was said by Dr. Tanwar while referring to an announcement made by Om Parkash Dhankhar, Agriculture Minister to the media in Chandigarh on Monday regarding a project of “Floriculture” to be started at Gurgaon, He said that the Ministers of Khattar Government are in the habit of making announcements which have no base and are merely “jumlas” to mislead the people. The decision of the Government regarding floriculture was also announced four years earlier but nothing had come on the ground. It is clear that in view of the impending elections, this repeat announcement has been made by Om Parkash Dhankhar. He said that three year earlier in Agro-Summit at Gurgaon, the Agriculture Minister had announced regarding setting-up of “Agro-Fresh” aimed to supply fresh vegetables in the State but that scheme has also not seen the light of the day and has remained on paper only.
Questioning the foreign trips of the Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar and Agriculture Minister OP Dhankhar, Dr. Ashok Tanwar said that under the garb of improving the life standard of the farmers, the foreign jolts take place.  Both the Chief Minister and Agriculture Minister should disclose publically how many farmers have benefitted from their tours of Israel and London in improving the agricultural practices by the farmers. Had these tours done any benefit to the Haryana farmers they would not have resorted to agitations for fulfilling their demands.
Dr. Tanwar said that Khattar Government is boasting to be pro-farmer, but the fact is that the crops of the farmers lie in the markets for days on waiting for sale. If anyway the sale is made the farmers wait for the payment for long time. The case of sale of rape seed crop is a fresh example of the negligence of the State Government towards the farmers. Dr. Ashok Tanwar said that it is a pity that the most tomtommed scheme of crop insurance has not benefitted the farmers of Hayana but it has benefitted more to the Insurance Companies.
Dr. Ashok Tanwar said that the BJP Governments at the Centre and in Haryana are misleading the farmers by jumlas like increased MSP. But the fact is that during the BJP regime, the number of progressive farmers in Haryana has come down drastically and the Government has avoided to release the list of progressive farmers as was done yearly earlier.  The number of progressive farmers had increased considerably during the Congress rule and they were encouraged to adopt new techniques but the BJP Govt. has replaced all this with false and misleading jumlas.
He said that the announcement of 50% plus MSP to be given to the farmers for the crops is just another cruel joke with the farmers as this calculation done by the Modi Government is merely fictitious and misleading. This announcement in fact is just a false promise like other false promises made by the BJP to the people in view of the impending elections.

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