Friday, 26 October 2018

PGI organizes 2nd National Workshop cum Hands on Training on “Pharmacogenomics Using Next Generation Sequencing"

By Tricitynews
Chandigarh 26th October:- The Experimental Pharmacology laboratory (EPL), in Department of Pharmacology, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh organized the 2nd National Workshop cum Hands on training on “Pharmacogenomics using next generation sequencing “ in alliance with Medical Pharmacology Society (MPS-research Council) from 25th-27th Oct, 2018 at PGIMER, Chandigarh. The Organizing Chairman of this unique workshop was Prof. Bikash Medhi and Dr. Phulen Sarma was the Organizing Secretary. The workshop continued for 2nd day with the aim of empowering the hands-on-skill to the participants.
The officials from Thermo Fischer Scientific illustrated the basics of NGS with an opening lecture on “Introduction to Primary Analysis-Ion TorrentTM S5. The lecture emphasized entirely on  the use of Ion-Torrent NGS in multiple applications including inherited diseases, oncology, infectious diseases, reproductive genomics, human identification, and agrigenomics. The lecture was accompanied by a practical demonstration to exemplify the basic functioning of this technology. An official visit of the Central Sophisticated Instruments Cell (CSIC), PGIMER was also organized for the participants. The solemn aim of the workshop was to provide training to scientists, faculty and students working in the field of pharmacogenomics and to generate valuable trained human resource on personalized medicine, so that the attendees can spread the knowledge obtained in their respective institutes.

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