Wednesday, 28 August 2019

PGI Celebrates Librarians’ Day

By Tricitynews
Chandigarh 28th August:- Dr.Tulsi Das Library, PGIMER celebrated the Librarian’s Day on 28th August 2019 on the occasion of 127th birthday of Padmashri Dr. S.R.Ranganathan, the father of Library Sciences in India.
The program started with the offering of floral tributes to the portrait of Dr. S.R. Ranganathan and the lighting of the lamp by Dr. A. K. Gupta, Medical Superintendent, Head of the Department of Hospital Administration, and Chairman Library Committee of the institute. Dr.Ritesh Agarwal, Professor Incharge Library, welcomed Dr. A. K. Gupta and other members in the gathering. Ms. Neelima Chadha informed the efforts of Library subscribing the electronic resources, shifting from print to electronic and digital resources. The Programme was attended by intellectuals of various fields and strata including Head of Departments, Professors, faculty members, Residents, research scholars, Local Librarians and other staff of the institute.
Finally, Prof AK Gupta discussed the importance of the Libraries, and he appreciated the efforts taken by the Dr.Tulsi Das Library to organize Librarians' Day and arrange  User Awareness Sessions. He highlighted the role of modern Library and called upon Library and information professionals to update themselves to meet the expectations of the library users and provide them effective library services using latest ICT and Digital Technologies. The single search window facility allows the patrons to access E-resources, databases subscribed by the Library through Remotexs. The WEB OPAC allows the users to access the metadata of the library holdings from anywhere at any time. Demonstration of User awareness Services like BMJ Learning Resources, Discovery Service, and Ginger-to Grammarly check and paraphrasing to avoid Plagiarism. He congratulated the team of Library for successfully organizing the Librarians Day Celebrations. 
Finally, an ornamental plantation was done by Prof AK Gupta and Dr Ritesh Agarwal.

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