Wednesday, 18 September 2019

PGI Professor Honored in Sri Lanka

By Tricitynews
Chandigarh 18th September:- Dr. Mahesh Prakash, Professor, Department of Radiodiagnosis, PGIMER, Chandigarh was honoured in Colombo, Sri Lanka for his outstanding contribution to the growth of musculoskeletal radiology during 18th annual academic session of Sri Lanka college of Radiologists (SLCR). He has served as President of the Musculoskeletal Society of India (MSS) for last two years. He was also honoured in Nepal earlier in this year. He has been the recipients of various national and international awards for presenting research related with diagnosis of musculoskeletal system in previous years. The MSS is scientific forum of Indian musculoskeletal radiologists which also includes doctors of other specialities like pathology & nuclear medicine. The society’s main role is to provide platform for the exchange of knowledge in a rapidly advancing field of musculoskeletal radiology by promoting awareness, teaching and training to medical professionals who deals in diagnosis of musculoskeletal disorders like orthopaedic trauma, sports injuries, arthritis, tumours and other related diseases. The society has organised similar program earlier in Nepal for teaching young radiologists.

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