Wednesday, 18 December 2019

6th National Workshop cum CME on Health Systems Strengthening Concluded at PGI

By Tricitynews
Chandigarh 18th Dec:-  The third day of the 6th National workshop cum CME on Health system strengthening concluded today witnessing high interaction from the participants. Dr. A.S. Sekhon, President Punjab Medical Council presided over as the guest of honour. Dr. Sekhon highlighted the role of self-motivation for achieving individual and organizational goals. He emphasized that pursuing one’s passion improves overall willingness to perform.
The technical sessions of the day were taken by eminent resource persons including Dr. C.K. Lahariya WHO:  Dr Venkatachalan Jayaseelan, JIPMER, Puducherry: Dr. Ajit Sudke, Piramal Swasthya Management and Research Institute and Prof. Arun Aggarwal, PGIMER, Chandigarh
Dr. Chandarkat Laharia discussed about Universal health coverage (UHC). He highlighted that UHC is a continuous process wherein revamping of the health systems is needed at regular intervals. The role of Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Yojana for expanding UHC in all its three dimensions was discussed. Dr Venkatachalan Jayaseelan highlighted essentials of organizational behaviour. Through interactive videos, he made a point that organizations can be effective with team culture. There will always be some persons who create obstructions and obstacles. It is important to identify such people and have a separate strategy for them. Dr Ajit Sudke shared the experiences of Piramal Swasthya working in aspirational districts as a partner to the government of India.
Prof. Arun Aggarwal discussed soft skills of motivation and leadership which are often overlooked but form an integral part for efficiently managing and running the health systems. Good leaders follow situational leadership. Leaders should assess team workers based o competence and commitment, grade them for development level and use appropriate leadership style. He also discussed transactional analysis to avoid conflicts. Other managerial tenets like root cause analysis and death review system were discussed.
The day concluded with presentations from budding research scholars in the field of public health. 

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