Tuesday, 3 December 2019

BSDU Invites Applications for Bachelor of Vocational Programs in Multiple Disciplines

By Tricitynews
Chandigarh 03rd December:- Bhartiya Skill Development University, Jaipur (BSDU) invites applications for 3-year Bachelor of Vocation (B.Voc) programs. The B.Voc curriculum has 60% Skills and 40% General Education Component.  To supplement the skills acquired at the BSDU, students are sent for industrial internship every alternate semester. The UGC has included BSDU in its list of universities, vide UGC letter no. F.8-14/2017 (CPP-I/PU) dated 04 August 2017. The UGC has approved B.Voc and M.Voc programs based on the National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF) to address the critical requirements of Skill sets to make the graduates industry ready. These programs are now equivalent to any other graduation degree program. Students under these programs shall acquire the necessary skills to work in the IT departments of any organization.
Brig. SS Pabla, Pro Chancellor, BSDU said that the B.Voc Program has been designed with the mission of imparting knowledge and offering hands-on technical skills in the various programs. Our main objective of the B.Voc program is to create trained professionals in their respective felids so that they can work in the industry as well as start their own ventures. He added that with a strong capability and skill sets, students will be placed across industries. The B.Voc program is designed to provide students with a broad, versatile skillset, coupled with hands-on industry exposure.

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