Saturday, 28 December 2019

World Space Council in Association with Enovate Skill Chandigarh organises the Youth Space Conference

By Tricitynews
Chandigarh 28th Dec:- The World Space Council in association with Enovate Skill, Chandigarh organised the Youth Space Conference 2019 at NITTTR, Chandigarh on Saturday. This was a first ever conference for young students of 13–18 years age group. The conference was based on space and science related topics, projects, activities and research. High School students from all over India participated in the event.
Navdeep Singh, President, World Space Council said that World Space Council has taken this initiative of organising various Space Competitions, Challenges and Games at national and International level. This is the best way to motivate and unite space enthusiasts from all over the world. Every year Youth Space Conference will be conducted in different countries, where participants from all over the world will be taking part.
Ralf Heckel, Director, International Space Education Institute, Germany was the key note speaker. He delivered a speech on international opportunities for students in the field of Space Education. He has a great experience of guiding students from 18 countries for the past 12 years. Cosma heckel, youth speaker from Germany also shared her experience of participating at the Space Camp, NASA and NASA Rover Challenge, USA.  
Students presented Articles, Posters, Poster/ Oral Presentations, some of which will be published online and offline in the upcoming journals of World Space Council. Each category had 1st, 2nd and 3rd positions and additional prizes were  given to best participation. Certificates were provided to all participants.
World Space Council was constituted on 29 August, 2018, under the Indian Trust Registration Act 1882 and also registered under NITI Aayog portal; Government of India where Logo and vision document was officially launched on 27 February, 2019 at the Constitution club of India. World Space Council will cover wide areas in the field of Science, Technology, Space Education and Exploration.
Vision is to bring all nations together in the next decade towards solving global problems through space technology. Such alliance will involve all partners working in the same sector, which will ensure qualitative sustainable growth worldwide.
Navdeep Singh said that our mission is to enhance the standards and opportunities in the field of Space Exploration and Research, providing a common platform for exchange of ideas leading to collaborative research and expand learnings to the roots of society.

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