Tuesday, 18 February 2020

Navsankalp Makes a Judicious Donation

By Tricitynews
Chandigarh 18th Feb, 2020:- NavSankalp Association donated a sum of INR 50000/-   to a 10 year old boy named Zidan suffering from short stature (due to growth hormone deficiency), at DAV College, Sector-10, Chandigarh.
Zidan's father Mohd Ayub (who was farmer in the bygone days but lately working as a seasonal worker) and mother Mrs. Zamrooda Akhtar (housewife) are R/o Village- Bari Jalan, District - Kulgam, Jammu and Kashmir. Monthly income of the family is INR 6000 - 7000. He requires growth hormone treatment for around 3 years approximately. The estimated cost of therapy per month is INR 18000.
Ajit Balaji Joshi, Director General (Department of Higher Education) Government of Haryana (he has been associated with NavSankalp since past many years) along with H.R Gandhar, Vice President of DAV Colleges Managing Committee, New Delhi and Dr. Pawan Sharma, Principal of DAV College presented the cheque to Zidan.
NavSankalp association is a student run charitable organisation based in tri-city(Chandigarh) which aims at providing medical aid to the critically ill children below the age of 17 in PGIMER and GMSH - 16. Till date NavSankalp has contributed a sum of 67 lacs and has saved 181 lives by collecting donations from the general public.

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