Saturday, 20 February 2021

Impressive Solo Tabla Recital by Young Tabla Exponent Suraj Nirwan

Tricitynews Reporter

Chandigarh Feb. 20, 2021:- A special program was organized by the Pracheen Kala Kendra at its  ML Koser Indoor Auditorium here today featuring   Young and talented Tabla player Suraj Nirwan.  The programme was also telecasted live on social media platforms of Kendra like youtube, facebook and twitter from the stage.

Suraj Nirwan is the eldest son and also disciple of Late Pt. Subhash Nirwan. Inherited the art of tabla playing through his musically enriched family and gave his first performance at the tender age of 4 years in one of the most prestigious stages for Indian classical musicians. .

Beginning with traditional starting point Peshkar, Suraj gradually unfolded crisp kaidas with rhythmic variations almost all the different idioms vilambit, Madhya and drut of Tabla playing within the frame of the 16-beat cycle of the taal. Young percussionist displayed famous Delhi Gharana kaidas relas , layakaries etc with superb clarity. He also presented some self composed compositions.  He concluded his recital with traditional and famous bandishes of   his Gurus and Gharana.   He was ably accompanied by Rajesh Kumar on Sarangi.

Guru Shobha Koser , Kathak Guru & Registrar Pracheen Kala Kendra along with Secretary Sajal Koser honored the artists.

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