Tuesday, 8 February 2022

Equal Work Equal Pay to Outsourcing, DC Rates Employees & NHM Workers: All Contractual Karamchari Sangh

By Tricitynews Reporter

Chandigarh, Feb.08, 2022:- All Contractual Karamchari Sangh held Press Conference due to non addressing of various long pending demands of Contractual Employees and Outsourcing Workers in various departments of Chandigarh. Various Union leaders from Contractual Karamchari Sangh  addressed the press conference and extend their support to genuine demands of Regularization and Equal Work-Equal Pay.

While interacting with media, the President Ashok Kumar and General Secretary Shiv Murat , All Contractual Karamchari Sangh, said that the Contractual Employees and Outsourcing Workers raised their demands to get resolved by Chandigarh administration and to wake ruling party to support their demands as there is no political will to resolve the issue.

The demands discussed in Conference are as under:-Exemption of sanctioned posts in advertisement on which Guest/ Contractual Employees are working, Adoption or Extension or Making of Regularization Policy 2011 of State of Punjab in implementation of DoPT's O.M No 7.10.2020 read with 11.12.2006 and Supreme Court judgment in case of Uma Devi Vs State of Karnataka (2006) pronounced on 10.4.2006 on the basis of which DoPT's O.M No.11.12.2006 was issued for regularization of Contractual Employees as One Time Measure or "The Punjab Protection and Regularization of Contractual Employees Bill 2021 regularizing Adhoc, Contractual, Temporary,Daily wagers and Work charged employees as per GOI notification dated 13.1.92 or Section 87 of Punjab Reorganization Act 1966, Approval of Regularization agenda of Contractual Employees passed in House in Municipal Corporation, UT, Chandigarh. by Chandigarh administration, Revocation of termination orders of four safai Karamchari by M/s Lions Services Ltd, Grant of tender of Manpower Services in Governmen -E- Marketing(GeM) minimum upto 3 to 5 years and Non- Replacement of existing Outsourcing workers and demand of first salaries or share by Contractors from Workers to deposit security in lieu of Change of tender through GeM,Implementation of Similar Pay for Similar Work covered in the clause 25(2) under CLRA Act1970 (Contract Labour Regulation & Abolition Act) and Gazetted Notification of Govt. Of India in the year 4th Sept 2019 in implementation of Hon'ble Supreme Court Judgment in case Jagjit Singh Vs State of Punjab (2016)  granting " Equal Work - Equal Pay to Outsourcing Workers in Chandigarh administration, PGI,N.H.M ,M.C, Direct D. C rates Workers,Data Entry Operators,Computer Teachers,Counsellers,  all categories of Staff working under N.H.M Scheme, Disbursement of two months salaries to Computer Teachers in education department,Further Enhancement of DC rates to Outsourcing Workers for the year 2021-22 in lieu of releasing  of enhanced DA, Implementation  of recommendation of Sixth Pay Commission of Punjab to Contractual Employees, Re-engagement of Terminated Outsourcing Workers in PGGC, Sector 11, Chandigarh due to educational qualification and implementation of order of higher education in true letter and spirit,Grant of arrears to Outsourcing Workers of enhanced DC rates in Municipal Corporation, Grant of 15 CL as per terms and conditions in GeM to all the Outsourcing Workers in U.T., Chandigarh,Uploading of the list of existing Outsourcing Workers in lieu of change of Tender as per terms and conditions in GeM Portal, Registration of administration authorized agency SPIC in GeM and Grant of D.C Rates and Medical Facility to Mid -Day Meal Workers & Other Staff in U.T.,Chandigarh,Allotment of vacant Government House to Contract Employees and Daily wagers in Chandigarh administration and Municipal Corporation UT Chandigarh,Ban or Secure Contract & Outsourcing System  by means of Equality, Social Security and Security of Tenure as per fundamental rights in Constitution of India etc.

All Contractual Karamchari Sangh leadership  attended the conference.

All Contractual Karamchari Sangh submitted memorandum of demands to Administrator, Chandigarh administration and Member of Parliament and also demanded meeting with Chandigarh administration to resolve the long pending issues.

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