Thursday, 30 May 2019

Capacity Building and Training Workshop for ‘ Street Food Vendors’

By Tricitynews
Chandigarh 30th May:- Sixth capacity building and training workshop was jointly organized by Dept. of Community Medicine and School of Public Health, PGIMER, Chandigarh and Municipal Corporation Chandigarh held today at City Livelihood Centre, Community Sewa Kendra, Sector 25, Chandigarh. More than 40 registered street vendors attended the same. The vendors received free ‘Street Food Vendors’ Hygiene Kit’ which included aprons, gloves, head covers and easy to understand IEC material. They also received free medical checkup by the doctors of Community Medicine, PGIMER, Chandigarh.
MCM DAV College for Women, Sector 36 A, Chandigarh, Actively participated in this unique venture to train the Street Food Vendors. The college joined hands with School of Public Health & Municipal Corporation Chandigarh in this venture. College Students were involved in this training program. They also assured their active participation in the remaining workshops.
Dr. Nisha Bhargava, Principal, Mehr Chand Mahajan DAV College for Women, Sector 36 A, Chandigarh gave a message for the workshop. Vivek Trivedi  S.D.O. MCC is handling the matter related to Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending personnel.
The other training sessions were imparted by experts from various fields to encourage and ensure that operation of Chandigarh Street vendors conform to Byelaws of MCC, Food Safety and Standard Regulation 2011, Street vendors Act 2014, Swacchh Bharat Mission, Women empowerment & prevention of their exploitation.
Dr. Geeta Mehra, faculty from MCM-DAV, Sector 36, Chandigarh gave a demonstration on ‘A frugal scientific tool- Foldscope’. She also highlighted the safety uniform features (like apron, head cover, gloves, etc) and also demonstrated them the right way of wearing them.
The Students of MCM DAV College Sector 36, Chandigarh enthusiastically participated in the workshop, they demonstrated the working of Fold scope and showed different microbiological slides to the audience.
Dr. Gopal Singh Adhikari, member of CWC, delivered a motivational lecture to enlighten them regarding their rights and responsibilities.
Ravinder and his team from Rudra Theatre Company presented a short funny yet witty skit entitled ‘Municiparty aur rehri wale’. The skit focused on the need for such training workshop for street vendors and the benefits that will be reaped from it.
To increase awareness about financial literacy and various micro financing schemes were explained to street food vendors by Harkit Singh, Senior Manager, Punjab National Bank.
Dr. Nidhi, Senior demonstrator from Department of Community Medicine and School of Public Health, PGIMER, Sector 12, Chandigarh, demonstrated laughter yoga and Bhangra steps as a relaxation activity for rejuvenation of mind and soul of the street vendors.   
Dr. Pushkar from PGIMER explained the vendors about critical points from where the food can get contaminated. He emphasised on the sources of infection that leads to food related health issues.
Ms. Manjyot talked regarding the ideal food cart model and the key features that every food cart should have as recommended by the FSSAI.
The training was imparted in form of drama/play, demonstration and skit.

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