Thursday, 30 May 2019

Department of Community Medicine, PGI Observe World No Tobacco Day- 2019

By Tricitynews
Naraingarh 30th May:- World No Tobacco Day was celebrated at Sub-Divisional Hospital, Naraingarh today under the guidance of Dr. Kathirvel S., Assistant Professor and Faculty In-charge, RHTC- Naraingarh, Department of Community Medicine & School of Public Health, PGIMER, Chandigarh in collaboration with Senior Medical Officer, Civil Hospital, Naraingarh. Dr. Nikita Sharma (Senior Resident), Dr. Nairita Dalui(Junior Resident), Dr. Pallavi Sharma (Junior resident), Dr. Ravali Vogeti (Junior resident), Dr. Ashok Gupta (Pediatrician), Dr. Ram Prakash (Medical officer), Mr. Jagdish Chand (MPHW), and other health staff were present.
The theme was “Tobacco and Lung Health”, so the main emphasis was on creating awareness regarding harmful effects of tobacco on lungs in general population. Dr. Nikita Sharma welcomed the audience. She spoke about harmful effects of smoking and smokeless tobacco. She also emphasized on lung diseases in non–smoking population, due to second hand smoking among woman.
Dr. Ravali Vogeti spoke about harmful effects of tobacco in children. She made people aware of increasing incidents of childhood asthma, the underlying cause being second-hand smoke. She explained that smoking in front of children are not only contributing to increasing lung diseases among them, but also its impact on child psychology. Children used to copy their elders. Smoking in front of children may turn them into a smoker in later life. She requested the audience to refrain from smoking in front of children.
Dr. Pallavi Sharma spoke about effect of smoking in pregnant ladies, both in mother and baby. She told that smoking can affect the outcome of pregnancy in terms of low birth weight babies, preterm babies, babies with congenital malformation. It can also cause infertility, recurrent abortion, and ectopic pregnancy in woman.  She explained how smoking can affect brain and heart development of a newborn. And all of them can happen due to second hand smoke also.
Dr. Nikita concluded the session by the take home message, ‘Stop smoking, especially to safeguard children and pregnant ladies’. She also requested the audience to spread the message to friends, relatives and neighbors. She also asked the audience to utilize the de-addiction services provided by psychiatry team of RHTC Naraingarh at room number 11 on every Wednesday for quitting smoking and alcohol use.

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