Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Food Safety Officers Conduct Raid at Grain Market: About 180 kgs of Mangoes Seized and Destroyed in Dumping Ground

By Tricitynews Reporter
Chandigarh 16th May:- In view of the ongoing summer season artificial ripening of fruits like mango, papaya with calcium carbide is common practice adopted by various Food Business Operators. The use of which is prohibited for ripening of fruits under the Food Safety and Standards (Prohibition and Restrictions on Sales) Regulations, 2011. The ripened fruits with the above said chemical cause serious health problems.
Looking into the seriousness of the matter the Food Safety Officers Bharat Kanojia, Surinder Pal Singh, Bhaljinder Singh, Mandeep Kaur, Nisha Juneja, Navneet Bagga and Amardeep Kaur in early hours conducted a massive raid in the area of Grain Market, Sector-26, Chandigarh as directed by the designated Officer, Food Safety Administration, Chandigarh. The officers from the Food & Supply Department also accompanied the team. Many warehouses and shops where the fruits like mango and papaya were stored were inspected and it was found during inspection that the Food Business Operators were using Calcium Carbide for its ripening. About 180 kgs of Mangoes was seized and destroyed in th dumping ground of Chandigarh through the vehicles of Municipal Corporation, Chandigarh.
The traders dealing in sale, storage   and distribution of fruits are advised not to use any type of hazardous chemical for the ripening of fruits. If anybody is found violating the provisions of Food Safety and Standard Act,2006 and the Rules & Regulations, 2011 framed there under, action will be initiated against the such violators.

Powermen Decides to Defer 17th May Strike

By Tricitynews Reporter
Chandigarh 16th May:- The U.T. Powermen Union Chandigarh today decided to defer to 17th May, 2017 strike. The decision to defer strike was taken in the executive committee meeting of the Union after the Marathon Meeting held with the Chief Engineer U.T. Chandigarh in which demands of the Union was discussed in length and decided to resolve the main demand within next 15 days. Chief Engineer U.T. Chandigarh chairs the meeting in which S.E. Electricity M.P. Singh, Xen. Head Quarter Paramjit Karbel, SE establishment Engineer Ojha along with office superintendent of CE office and SE office were present. The union delegation was led by Gopal Datt Joshi General Secretary consisting Vijay Singh, Desh Raj, Pardeep Sharma, Darshan Singh, Amrik Singh, Ranjit Singh and Sulkhan Singh.
All the demands listed in the charter were discussed in length and following decision was taken. To fill up the all vacant post on promotion quota will be filled up within 15 days and extension will be granted further one year to the employees engaged through outsource i.e. LDC, ALM & Linemen and further decided to prepare the agenda for resultant vacancies for promotion cases at least six months earlier. So that promotion is given to the eligible employees timely. It is further decided that pay anomalies of the senior & junior employees will be removed within week. Chief engineer also assured the delegation for pursuing the case of compassionate appointment and compensation to the family of Sh. Vinay Kumar RTM  who was disabled while performing duty and further assured to amended the notified  rules and intimated the union regarding floating of tenders for renovation of houses in electricity colonies as per new norms beside continuation of electricity concession and also intimated the union to provide boom ladders in all complaint centers as well as providing T&P and safety devices to the workmen and further insuring to assigned the jobs to the employees as per norm beside review the transfer orders and withdrawal of show cause notices issued to the employees regarding promotion / appointment cases.

The meeting was took place in cordial atmosphere and chief engineer U.T. Chandigarh assured delegation to implement the demands mentioned as above within next 15 days. Later on executive committee of the union met and discussed the commitment given by the Chief Engineer and decided to defer the strike further decided that union will review the minutes after 15 days as assured by the Chief Engineer.

सरकारी अस्पतालों में डेंगू और चिकनगुनियां के टैस्ट व उपचार नि:शुल्क: ब्रहम महिन्द्रा

By Tricitynews Reporter
Chandigarh 16th May:- स्वास्थ्य विभाग पंजाब, राज्य के लोगों के सहयोग से राज्य को डेंगू मुक्त करने के लिए अपनी पूरी ताकत लगाएगा तथा राज्य में डेंगू संबंधी लोगों को निचले स्तर तक जागरूक किया जाएगा। जागरूकता द्वारा ही डेंगू का खत्मा संभव है। इन विचारों का प्रगटावा सेहत परिवार कल्याण मंत्री पंजाब ब्रहम महिन्द्रा ने सेहत विभाग पंजाब द्वारा राष्ट्रीय डेंगू दिवस  के  अवसर पर पंजाब हैल्थ सिस्टम कार्पोरेशन के ऑडीटोरियम में करवाए गये राज्य स्तरीय समागम को सम्बोधन करते किया। इससे पूर्व उन्होंने डेंगू प्रति जागरूकता के लिये साइकिल रैली, माईकिंग आटो रिक्क्षा तथा ज्वाइंट इंस्पैक्शन टीम को हरी झंडी दिखा कर रवाना किया। 
स्वास्थय मंत्री पंजाब ने समागम को संबोधित करते हुये कहा कि डेंगू एक ऐसी बीमारी है जिसे केवल साफ-सुथरे वातावरण और जागरूकता द्वारा ही खत्म किया जा सकता है। इस लिए सोशल मीडिया, सैमीनार, वर्कशाप और विज्ञापन आदि के द्वारा पंजाब में जागरूकता फैलाई जा रही है। उन्होंने कहा कि किसी भी कार्यक्रम या एक्शन प्लान को बिमारी के फैलने से पूर्व लागू किया जाना जरूरी है, पर अक्सर देखने में आता है कि स्थिति हाथ में से निकलने के बाद ही हम निर्देश जारी करते हैं। इसलिए सेहत विभाग के समूह अधिकारी सचेत होकर जिम्मेवारी और ईमानदारी के साथ स्वास्थ्य विभाग की विभिन्न सेवाओं को लोगों तक पहुंचाएं।
ब्रहम महिन्द्रा ने कहा कि केवल समारोहों के आयोजनों के साथ ही लोगों में जागृति नहीं आती, हमें लोगों में जाकर बताना होगा और लोगों को सेहतमंद जीवन के तथ्यों संबंधी परिचित करवाना पड़ेगा तभी हम सेहत विभाग के मन्तव्य को पूरा कर सकते हैं।
उन्होंने कहा कि गत् सरकार द्वारा स्वास्थ्य विभाग संबंधी अह्म फैसलों और योजनाओं को नज़रअंदाज किया गया और अब सेहत विभाग में बड़े स्तर पर सुधार किया जा रहा है। आम लोगों को पंजाब सरकार से बहुत आशाएं हैं और सेहत विभाग प्रत्यक्ष रूप से लोगों के साथ जुड़ा हुआ है इसलिए सेहत विभाग के उच्चाधिकारी प्रत्येक स्तर पर आम लोगों को गुणात्मक  सेहत सेवाएं पहुंचाना विश्वसनीय बनायें। इस अवसर पर श्री ब्रहम महिंदरा ने नेशनल वैक्टर बोर्न डिसीज़ कंट्रोल प्रोग्राम के  लाइव पोर्टल की भी शुरूआत की। 
समारोह को संबोधित करते स्थानीय विधायक . बलबीर सिंह सिद्धू ने कहा कि डेंगू और चिकनगुनियां संबंधी तैयार की गई रूप-रेखा को जमीनी स्तर पर लागू करना चाहिए। उन्होंने सेहत मंत्री तथा अधिकारियों को विश्वास दिलाते हुए कहा कि हम सेहत विभाग की प्रत्येक मुहिम में पूरा साथ देंगे तथा ग्रामीण स्तर पर सेहत सेवाएं पहुंचाने के लिये हर तरह का सहयोग दिया जायेगा। उन्होंने कहा कि डेंगू के 80 फीसदी केस शहरी क्षेत्रों में होते हैं और मोहाली में गत् वर्ष राज्य में सबसे अधिक केस हुये जो हमारे लिये चिंता का विषय है।  इसलिए डेंगू प्रति हमें अभी से ही सचेत होना पड़ेगा। उन्होंने सेहत मंत्री पंजाब को अपग्रेड करने और डाक्टरों की कमी को पूरा करने की मांग भी की। 
सेहत विभाग के निदेशक एच एस बाली ने बताया कि पंजाब प्रथम ऐसा राज्य है, जहां डेंगू फ्री  पंजाब के नाम पर मोबाइल एप्लीकेशन तैयार की गई है। जिसमें डेंगू से बचने संबंधी पूरी जानकारी दी गई है। इतना ही नहीं इस एप्लीकेशन के द्वारा टोल फ्री एम्बुलेंस नंबर 108 टोल फ्री मेडिकल हैल्प लाइन नंबर 104 के साथ भी संपर्क किया जा सकता है। उन्होंने कहा कि सरकारी अस्पतालों में डेंगू तथा चिकनगुनियां के टैस्ट और उपचार नि:शुल्क किया जाता है। इसी प्रकार सभी कम्युनिटी हैल्थ सैंटरों में विशेष डेंगू वार्ड बनाए गए हैं। जिन क्षेत्रों में डेंगू के मामल सामने आते हैं, वहां स्प्रे करवाई जाती है। पंजाब में लारवासाईडस तथा इंसैक्टीसाईड के लिए रेट न्ट्रैक्ट किया  हुआ है। उन्होंने कहा कि प्राईवेट प्रैक्टीशनरों द्वारा सेहत विभाग को प्रत्येक डेंगू के मामले की जानकारी देना अनिवार्य किया गया है ताकि  रोगियों को सही उपचार उपलब्ध करवाया जा सके। डॉ. बाली ने कहा कि डेंगू से बचने के लिए प्रत्येक शुक्रवार ड्राई-डे मनाया जाता है जिस तहत कार्यालयों रिहायशी इमारतों में लगे कुलरों, गमलों, फ्रिजों की ट्रे और अन्य पानी के बर्तनों को हर शुक्रवार को साफ करना अनिवार्य किया गया है। उन्होंने कहा कि यह भी ऐसे स्थान हैं जहां डेंगू के मच्छर की शुरूआत होती है।
मेयर नगर निगम कुलवंत सिंह ने इस अवसर पर विश्वास दिलाया कि नगर निगम मोहाली डेंगू के खात्मे के लिये सेहत विभाग को हर तरह का सहयोग देने के लिये वचनबद्ध है।

Mr India Men’s Physique 2017 Winner Rehaan Raas Dev to Represent India at Mr Asia Championship in Mongolia

By Tricitynews Reporter
Chandigarh 16th May:- He had a dream… to make his body bloom into a work of art. And he had the passion to pursue it.  And like the rugged beauty of his home city Jammu, he himself became a paradigm of graceful grit. Meet Rehaan Raas Dev, the crowned king of Indian machismo. To him belongs the title of Mr. India Men's Physique 2017. And like many things worthwhile, it didn’t come easy. It took a relentless, rigorous routine of workout under the expert guidance of much-respected Mr World, Vipin Peter. But when the rigour reaped its fruits, it was no short of an overall victory at the 57th Senior National Bodybuilding and Fitness Championship organized by IBBFF at Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Rehaan represented Maharashtra at the national level while competing for the title of Mr India. Bringing an awesome physique, he won "National Gold medal" in his height category as well the "Overall Champion" title across all categories in Men's Physique, to become Mr India Men's Physique 2017.
Like many of his idols, the J&K boy has a dream to carve a place for himself in the glam-and-grit land of Bollywood. To follow his heart, he left a comfortable and lucrative career as Head Financial Analyst at an Investment Fund. He is a qualified Chartered Accountant and has done his higher studies with CFA Institute, USA. The calling and the craving for the craft and the camera could not be silenced, so he moved base to Mumbai, where he trained his body and his theatrical skills simultaneously. And now, his passion has started paying off, as Rehaan prepares to represent India internationally in Mr Asia Contest scheduled from May 18-21, 2017 in Mongolia. For Rehaan, representing his nation on such a grand stage is a great honour.
Rehaan Raas Dev said that he is honored to represent our country on such a prestigious platform. Such kind of Physique Championships can be taxing, but I have faith and a positive energy around me.
Talking about fitness, he said that he strongly believes that fitness comes from within. One certainly needs discipline and dedication, but all that begins with control over your mind. If you train your mind, your body will listen to it.
Men's Physique is a fitness modeling contest that is held every year to scout for aesthetic bodies: lean, muscular and symmetrical. Athletes are also judged in terms of their stage charm and powerful personality. 
Rehaan has absolutely no qualms in giving the entire credit of his victory to his guru Vipin Peter. It was Vipin Peter who helped crystallize his miraculous transformation defying all barriers of time and energy. 
He also thanks Indian Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation (IBBFF), for creating such a wonderful platform for athletes to showcase themselves. He expresses special gratitude to its Hon. Gen. Secretary, Dr. Sanjay C More, for his undying efforts in planting and promoting the ideals of aesthetics and athletics.

Amazing Stunts in Upcoming Panjabi Film ‘Saab Bahadar’ by Ammy Virk

By Tricitynews Reporter
Chandigarh 16th May:- Nothing is better than to experience what you have never done before. The happiness of it is something that one will definitely want to experience in life. Same happened with the Punjabi singer and actor Ammy Virk during the shoot of upcoming Punjabi film ‘Saab Bahadar’ which will be releasing on 26th May 2017.
The film is presented by White Hill Studios and Zee Studios, produced by Gunbir Singh Sidhu and Manmord Sidhu. The film is written by Jass Grewal, the music is given by Jattinder Shah and is Directed by Amrit Raj Chadha. 
The Film is a story set in early 90's in a remote village somewhere in Punjab, revolving around a police officer who is popularly known as ‘Saab Bahadar’ among the villagers.  Ammy Virk who seems to be enjoying his role throughout the shooting got a chance to overcome his fear and experience those things that he had never done before in life. There was a scene in the film in which he is chasing a man who is riding a bike, and when they both are riding, he has to remove the keys of his opponent’s bike and perform a drift stunt to stop the man. For him it was tough to perform the stunt in one take so he took rehearsals and there after completed it smoothly. This is an experience which he had never felt before and it came as a nice shot. Ammy Virk is enjoying current phase of his life, as from singer and actor he is now performing stunts in his films which will be a great delight for his audience to watch.
The film is a Mystery Thriller and is a making of Gunbir Singh Sidhu and Manmord Sidhu who have given successful commercial films like Jatt & Juliet part 1&2, Punjab 1984, Sardaarji part 1&2 and much more.”
The starcast of the film includes Ammy Virk and Preet Kamal in a lead role. The other cast comprises of Jaswinder Bhalla, Rana Ranbir, Seema Kaushal and Hobby Dhaliwal.
The audience will have a different experience watching this film as unlike other movies the audience would witness Mystery, Fear and Suspense for the First time in Punjabi Cinema.

Scratch Proof Designer Glass Modular Kitchens Launched

By Tricitynews Reporter
Chandigarh 16th May:- The Kitchen Makers, Chandigarh and JB Glass, Delhi have collaborated to bring new Designer Glass Modular Kitchens to the tricity. These trend setting & state-of-the-art modular kitchens were unveiled at a press conference convened at The Kitchen Makers corporate office cum display outlet in Sec 35. The senior officials of both the companies also announced a business tie up which will help tricity customers to buy unique designer glass modular kitchens. A modular Kitchen has got this name as it consists of several modules or units.  The kitchen includes Kitchen cabinets, Kitchen Appliances, cooking range, Kitchen chimneys, Kitchen Countertops, slab work etc.
Rupak Setia, MD, The Kitchen Makers said that we have our own designing & manufacturing facility in Chandigarh and will be providing customized designs, colors and sizes. The idea is to translate a designer’s or an architect’s vision into built form by providing customized solutions. The collaboration with JB Glass will be very useful as Designer Glass Modular Kitchens will be developed under this.
Gaurav Singhal, MD, JB Glass, said that now a customer will be able to add spice to his or her kitchen. We have brought endless possibilities to style your kitchen with the latest range of designer glass. These modular kitchens will stand out.  The USP of the glass used to develop these modular kitchens is that it’s made on concept of 3 S’s – strength, stain free & scratch free. We plan to service not just tricity but also areas of Punjab, Haryana & Himachal through this tie up with The Kitchen Makers.
Ms. Bandna Singh, leading Architect of the Region too said that kitchen cabinets of modular kitchens are durable. With the designer glass modular kitchens a new phase in interior décor particularly of kitchens will start. The product unveiled today is certainly very aesthetic & will give a royal feel to one’s kitchen space.
Anubhav Suri, Territory Manager, Hafle India Pvt. Ltd said that Modular kitchens have revolutionized interior decor of the house. The kitchen is not only stylish but makes cooking easy also. Modular designs of kitchen add to the beauty and functionality of one’s home. 
It is noteworthy that The Kitchen Maker, which has been operating & serving the Northern Region for more than 15 years is an authorized distributor for appliances from brands like Kaff and other kitchen fittings by Hafele Kitchens and also imported products. It specializes not just in modular kitchens but also in providing wardrobes, kitchen accessories, hardware fittings and sliding fittings etc. JB Glass on the other hand offers solutions in architectural glass, lacquered glass, decorative glass, decorative 3D glass tiles and mirrors.
The pricing of the designer Glass Modular Kitchens depends on the kind of size & customization done. But in general these will start at Rs. 50,000.