Saturday, 23 February 2019

किरण खेर ने निरंकारी सत्संग भवन, मौली जांगरा की रीटेनिंग वाल के कार्य का शुभारंभ किया

By Tricitynews
Chandigarh 23rd Feb, 2019:- सन्त निरंकारी सत्संग भवन, मौली जांगरा के साथ पड़ते नाले पर बनने वाली रीटेनिंग वाल के कार्य का शुभारंभ चंडीगढ़ की सांसद किरण खेर ने किया।  इस अवसर पर सांसद किरण खेर ने कहा कि सांसद निधि से अगर आम जनता को कोई लाभ होता है, तो इससे अच्छी कोई बात नहीं। उन्होंने कहा कि सन्त निरंकारी मंडल मनीमाजरा की पिछले कई वर्षों से इस दीवार को बनाने की मांग रखी गई और उन्हें खुशी है कि वो इस कार्य को आरंभ करवा पाई है। 
इस अवसर पर भूतपूर्व डिप्टी मेयर काउंसलर नगर निगम मौली जागरां अनिल कुमार दूबे ने निरंकारी मिशन द्वारा स्वच्छ भारत मिशन वृक्षारोपण जैसे सामाजिक कार्यों में स्थानीय प्रशासन को सहयोग देने के लिए धन्यवाद किया। 
सन्त निरंकारी मंडल के चंडीगढ़ जोन के जोनल इंचार्ज के के कश्यप ने कहा कि प्रशासन द्वारा उनकी बहुत पुरानी पड़ी मांग को पूरा किया है। इसके लिए उन्होंने सांसद किरण खेर का धन्यावाद किया है। वहीं इस अवसर पर मेंबर इंचार्ज प्रचार एंड सेमिनार एंड एडमिनस्टेटर ब्रांच जोगिन्दर कौर, कोर्डिनेटर ब्रांच एडमिनस्टेटर कर्नल सी एस तूर, चंडीगढ़ के संयोजक नवनीत पाठक विशेष तौर पर उपस्थित रहे। 
इस अवसर पर सांसद किरण खेर ने सन्त निरंकारी सत्संग भवन में वृक्षारोपण किया। इस अवसर पर पूर्व मेयर राजबाला, चीफ इंजीनियर मनोज बंसल, एस सी संजय अरोड़ा एक्सीयन अजय गर्ग आई डी शर्मा अन्य प्रशासनिक अधिकारी भी मौजूद रहे। 
इस अवसर पर मनीमाजरा ब्राच के मुखी दवेन्द्र कुमार भजनी ने सांसद किरण खेर अन्य गणमान्य व्यक्तियों का धन्यवाद अभिवादन किया। उन्होंने कहा इस दीवार के बनने से अकसर भवन के परिसर में आने वाले जीव जंतुओं से श्रद्वालुओं को निजात मिलेगी। लगभग वर्ष पूर्व एक श्रद्वालु को विषैले सांप ने काट लिया था। तब से ही इस दीवार को बनाने की बात प्रशासन के पास रखी गई।
भूतपूर्व डिप्टी मेयर काउंसलर नगर निगम मौली जागरां अनिल कुमार दूबे ने बाबा हरदेव सिंह जी महाराज की 65वीं जन्म जयंती पर मौली जागरां स्थित गर्वनमैंट डिस्पेंसरी से सफाई अभियान का शुभारंभ किया। गर्वनमैंट डिस्पेंसरी गर्वनमैंट सिविल अस्पताल मनीमाजरा में भी सफाई अभियान पौधारोपण किया। सन्त निरंकारी चेरिटेबल फाउंडेशन के तत्वाधान् से सफाई अभियान वृक्षारोपण किया गया। सद्गुरू माता सुदीक्षा जी महाराज भी बाबा हरदेव सिंह जी महाराज के संदेश ’’ प्रदूषण मन का हो या बाहर का , दोनों ही हानिकारक है - के भाव को जीवन में अपनाने पर जोर दे रही हैं। इसी से संबंधित शपथ भी निरंकारी श्रद्वालुओं ने ली।

Rusa-Capacity Building Workshop Held at GGSCW-26

By Tricitynews
Chandigarh 23rd Feb, 2019:- A RUSA-sponsored Capacity Building Workshop was organized by the Department of Hindi of Guru Gobind Singh College for Women, Sector 26, Chandigarh on the topic ‘Information Technology and Official Language Hindi’ on February 23, 2019. The Resource Person for the occasion was Dr. Lokesh Sharma of CSIR.
The Principal of the College Dr. Jatinder Kaur welcomed the resource person for the event. About 150 participants took part in the workshop which included students, faculty members as well as office staff from various colleges of Chandigarh. The participants were provided personal training with regard to E-tools and Unicode for performing Hindi related tasks.

Rotary Club Chandigarh Gifts 10 Laptops to EWS Students

By Tricitynews
Panchkula 23rd Feb, 2019:- The Governor of Himachal Pradesh Acharya Dv Vrat, presented 10 laptops to the 11th class economically-weaker students here today at the Rotary District 3080 Conference.
Governor of Himachal Pradesh presented laptops to six boys and four girls of Class XIth from EWS category, who had topped in their Board examinations last year, and commended Rotary Club of Chandigarh for its project ‘Saksham’ to empower the EWS children to progress further and inspire them to excel in their studies and do well in life.
The EWS students included  Jashandeep Singh, Vinish Parwar, and Shaquib Ali from GMSSS, Sector 39; Mohita and Razia from GMSSS Sector 38; Gagandeep Kaur, Gurleen Kaur, and Devabh Bhaskar from DPS; Aman Kumar and Lachhman from St John’s,
Rotary Club of Chandigarh initiated this project at the instance of Mrs Usha Saboo and former world president of Rotary International Rajendra K. Saboo this year. 

Jaipur Couture Show Season-6 Reached its Final on Glamourous Note

By Tricitynews
Jaipur 23rd Feb, 2019:- Jaipur couture show season 6 concluded on ultra glamorous note in Marriott Hotel, Jaipur with stars of Bollywood Prachi Desai, Ch    unky Pandy,Ali Fazal, Mugdha Godsey, Himansh Kohli , Aditi Hundia and many celebrities walking the ramp for veteran designers.
Ace designers Himmat Singh, Farha Ansari, Dipali Parikh, Gaurrav Gaud and Ridhima Godha Arpita Nahar, Shrena Sutaria showcased their beautiful collection. From royal to rustic from ultra glamorous to chic stunning models displayed them with elan. 
 Making debut in the show were Richa Aggarwal, makeover expert from Cleopatra chain of makeovers and bridal lounge and Purnima Goyal, makeover expert from Silverine Spa & Salon. Richa Aggarwal, Harveen Kathuria and Purnima Goyal created stunning looks for the show.
Organiser of the show Gaurrav Gaud informed that this was second season of Jaipur Coture show and he is glad that within short span of time magnitude of the show has grown and designers are participating from all over India, from Jaipur, Ahmadabad, Delhi and Chandigarh.

Incredible Journey of Bharat Thakur from Yoga Artist to Self Discovered Artist

By Tricitynews
Chandigarh 23rd Feb, 2019:- If ever there were a befitting example of a man who contradicts himself expertly, it would be Bharat Thakur, the man behind the brand Artistic Yoga.  
Yet, it has never been possible to contain him to the image of a Yoga guru. Though he has practically changed the way Yoga is perceived in India and the middle east, with his result oriented form of Yoga that focuses on fitness and well being, appealing to the youth and the old alike for its emphasis on science rather than dogma, for its dynamic and motivational approach, it is still not possible to pin him down to just the tag of a Yoga guru. 
Bharat is multi dimensional, with Art being as close to his heart as is Yoga and Spirituality. All of this can be attributed to Bharat’s unique up-bringing. At the age of four, he was taken to the caves around Gomukh in the higher reaches of the Himalayas by his master, who belonged to an ancient lineage of adepts. 
He lived in an unusual environment, which was snow bound throughout the year, with almost no vegetation, practically no contact with civilisation, where you could not take your food or even sleep for granted. It was at once a survival mode as well as an immersion in meditation and silence, where the natural elements kept your company and life was lived around the fire pit or ‘dhuna’ in the caves. 
What marked him out, in such a world was his deep interest and fascination for sketching, which came naturally to him as a child. With no art school, or art material in the caves, he was constantly drawing on the ice, using the soil, leaves and so on to create what can be called installations in retrospect. These were the seeds of the artist. 
Yet his life was on mission mode and the mission was Yoga. After eleven years in the hills, Bharat pursued his formal education where he specialised in exercise physiology that culminated in a Phd. Following this he started his Yoga Company, Bharat Thakur Artistic Yoga and over a period of two decades, the company grew to become an internationally renowned brand spread across the Middle East, Russia, Central Asia and Europe. 
Bharat’s art career was on a slow burn through this period as all his energies went in creating the Yoga movement. He called his method of Yoga ‘Artistic Yoga’ as art was his way of life. Art to him combined truth, beauty, spirit and passion. Through all these years, he kept up the sketching and developed a fair amount of familiarity and ease with the medium of water colour and charcoal during his years as a student and while helming the Artistic Yoga movement. 
And like art was essential to his Yoga, soul is essential to his art. His paintings and sculptures are a visual manifestation of the beauty that springs straight from the soul. His art is also informed by his study of the human anatomy and physiology during his years at the Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education (LNIPE), Gwalior, where he did his bachelor’s and master’s in Yoga and Physiology. 
From Around 2010, Bharat started working seriously and formally on his art. He is self taught, learning from the street artists of Europe and maintaining a prolific schedule of visits to the museums and galleries of the world, which he could combine with ease as he travelled heavily on the yoga mission. 
From 2016, Bharat started exhibiting his works in solo and group shows. Bharat straddles the world of abstraction as well as figurative art with equal ease. What marks him out as a painter is his ability to channel his unique background and experiences into his works.  Having spent many years with the spiritual adepts in the mountains and being one of them, he has both knowledge and access of the king that is unprecedented.
Throughout his life, Bharat has been evolving a unique grammar of art, drawing from his incredible understanding of both the figurative and abstract genre.
As a multidimensional artist, he works with a wide variety of mediums for his paintings and sculptures. Bharat likes to find his own expression and unbound by convention. For him no medium is too challenging, and no subject is beyond contemplation. 
Bharat has studios in Bangalore, Dubai, Kathmandu and lives in New Delhi.