Monday, 10 June 2019

हेल्थ वर्कर्स ने मेयर और नगर निगम के खिलाफ खोला मोर्चा: मांगों को लेकर किया विशाल रोष प्रदर्शन

By Trictynews
Chandigarh 10th June:- स्वास्थ्य कर्मियों ने आज अपनी मांगों की पिछले 10 दिनों से अनदेखी के चलते नगर निगम मेयर राजेश कालिया और नगर निगम के खिलाफ सैकटर 17 मयूनिसिपल दफतर के सामने मोर्चा खोल दियाकर्मियों ने मेयर राजेश कालिया और नगर निगम के खिलाफ जोरदार प्रदर्शन करते हुए जमकर नारेबाजी की। धरने पर कृष्ण कुमार चढढा, प्रधान सफाई करमचारी यूनियन,जय किशन दुलला, प्रधान डोर टू डोर युनियन, रंजीत हंस, प्रधान, यु टी एस.एस.फेडरेशन,परदीप सूद , प्रधान सफाई करमचारी यूनियन, जीरकपुर,ओम परकाश सैनी, परधान एस .सी .मोरचा, नसीब जाखड ,प्रधान, इंटक,अशोक कुमार,प्रधान आल कांटरैकचुअल करमचारी संघ ने समर्थन किया
हेल्थ डिपार्टमेंट वर्कर्स यूनियन के बैनर तले सैंकड़ों स्वास्थ्य कर्मियों ने नगर निगम आफिस सेक्टर 17 के सामने धरना प्रदर्शन किया। कर्मियों ने उनकी मांगों की अनदेखी और मेयर राजेश कालिया की कर्मचारी विरोधी नीतियों की जमकर आलोचना की
हेल्थ डिपार्टमेंट वर्कर्स यूनियन के प्रेसिडेंट ऋषि दयाल ने बताया कि चंडीगढ़ नगर निगम के अधीन आते स्वास्थ्य विभागों में हजारों कर्मी कार्यरत है। ये सब लायंस सेक्यूरिटी सर्विसेज के अंतर्गत कॉन्ट्रैक्ट पर कार्यरत है। पिछले कुछ समय से लायंस कंपनी द्वारा कर्मियों को परेशान किया जा रहा है। जिसकी शिकायत उन्होंने मेयर राजेश कालिया से भी की थी, लेकिन उन्होंने कर्मियों की शिकायत का निवारण करने की बजाय लायंस कंपनी का साथ दिया। उन्होंने निगम कमिश्नर और निगम आलाधिकारियों से भी इस संबंध में अपनी शिकायत दी, पर वहां भी उनकी सुनवाई नही हुई। जिससे आहत होकर उन्होंने मेयर राजेश कलिया और नगर निगम के खिलाफ मोर्चा खोला है। स्वास्थ्य कर्मी पिछले 10 दिन से अपनी मांगों को लेकर प्रदर्शन कर रहे है।
सफाई कर्मचारी संघ के प्रेसिडेंट कृष्ण चड्डा और हैलथ डिपार्टमेंट के गुरचरण सिह ने कहा कि चंडीगढ़ प्रशासन और नगर निगम हमेशा ही कर्मियों के हितों की अनदेखी करता आया है। कर्मियों की मांगों को लेकर प्रशासन और नगर निगम कभी भी सजग नही रहा है। 
वही आल कॉन्ट्रक्चुअल कर्मचारी संघ के प्रेसिडेंट अशोक कुमार चेयरमैन बिपिन शेर सिंह ने कहा कि अनुबंधित कर्मचारियों की समस्यायों को हल करवाने और उनकी मांगों को लागू करवाने के लिए उनकी यूनियन सदैव प्रयासरत रही है। स्वास्थ्य कर्मियों की मांगों को लेकर भी उनकी यूनियन हेल्थ डिपार्टमेंट वर्कर्स यूनियन के साथ है। उन्हें इंसाफ मिलने तक ये संघर्ष जारी रखेंगे |
ऋषि दयाल और बिपिन शेर सिंह ने बताया कि हक को लेकर कर्मचारियों की मांगे इस प्रकार हैं :- डी.सी कम लेबर कमीशनर के निरदेशानुसार महीने की 7 तारीख तक कंपनी दवारा मासिक सैलरी देना, अप्रैल 2018 से बढा हुआ डी.सी रेट कंपनी दवारा साल भर का बकाया ऐरियर देना, बेकसूर वरकरों दवारा कंपनी के शोषण की आवाज उठाने पर की गई नाजायज बदलियों को रोकना और अपने हकों के लिए लड रही लीडरशिप साथियों का हो रहा शोषण रोकना
यूनियनों के नेताओं ने कहा हमारी कंपनी से कोई व्यक्तिगत लडाई नहीं है || यह संघर्ष अपने हकों अपने बच्चों के सुरक्षित भविष्य के लिए किया जा रहा है
नगर निगम के मेयर राजेश कालिया ने युनियन के डेलिगेशन से बातचीत कर अंत में वरकरों की जायज मांगो को मानते हुए उनके बीच आकर संबोधित कर धरने को समाप्त किया |

भगवान श्री रामचंद्र जी को समर्पित,गायक व गीतकार सुरेश कुमार के चौथे भजन "राम नाम में इतना ज्ञान "" को फ़िल्म डायरेक्टर बॉबी बाजवा ने किया रिलीज

By Trictynews
Chandigarh 10th June:- भगवान श्री रामचंद्र जी  को समर्पित ,गायक गीतकार सुरेश कुमार के चौथे भजन "राम नाम में इतना ज्ञान" को सोमवार को चंडीगढ़ प्रेस क्लब में  रिलीज किया गया। फ़िल्म डायरेक्टर बॉबी बाजवा   कोरियोग्राफर मनदीप मैंडी लांच इवेंट पर मौजूद रहे जिक्रयोग है कि सुरेश कुमार के तीन भजनबिरा महारा रामदेव, हनुमत तुमसे मिलने का और सीना चीर के हनुमान ने” पहले से ही लोगों द्वारा पसन्द किये जा रहे हैं 
यह प्रयास खरसिया म्यूजिक द्वारा किया गया है जिसके एडिटर  मनीष एकलव्य और संगीत सुरेश नायक का हैं।   
इस मौके पर सुरेश कुमार ने कहा कि हनुमान जी धरती पर भक्ति का अनुपम उदाहरण हैं उन्होंने सारी दुनिया को राम नाम का संदेश दिया है।यदि हम भी अपने माता पिता में ही परमात्मा को देख सेवा करें तो सारे भगवान वहीं मिल जाते हैं।  
डायरेक्टर बॉबी बाजवा ने कहा की भजनों का दौर सदाबहार है। हम सभी ख़ुशी व् गमी  में ईश्वर की शरण ग्रहण करते ही हैं

Several NGOs and Other Associations from Chandigarh Felicitate Sanjay Tandon

By Trictynews
Chandigarh 10th June:- BJP won the Lok Sabha elections with unprecedented vote margins. In Chandigarh too, the BJP candidate Kirron Kher won the seat with a large margin of votes. BJP Chandigarh President Sanjay Tandon played a key role to ensure the victory for BJP candidate in Chandigarh. Several NGOs and other Associations from Chandigarh organized an event to felicitate Sanjay Tandon for ensuring the victory. The event was organized in supervision of Santosh Sharma, Chairperson of Social Welfare Board Chandigarh. Other organization which took part in the event included Surya Foundation, Indian Counseling Foundation, All India Environment, Don Bosco Society, Savera and Art Colors.
Addressing the people at the event Sanjay thanked everyone for extending their support and blessings. He said that the people of the country have voted for a ‘kaamdar’ government. He said, with Narender Modi as the prime minister of the country once again, there is a lot of optimism and the country will definitely reach unprecedented heights of development in next 5 years. He said all small and big organizations supported BJP in these elections for which he is thankful.
Addressing the gathering, Santosh Sharma thanked everyone who attended the meeting. He said that BJP has won this seat the second time consecutively and Sanjay Tandon has played a key role in ensuring this victory. He said that Sanjay worked tirelessly day and night to make sure BJP candidate wins the seat.
District president Ravi Kant Sharma, Ward President Rajesh Mahajan, B C Gupta, Mahinder Kaur, Dr. Kiran, Sonia, Pinky, Suman and many other BJP activists were also present on the occasion.

Anupam Kher Rejected by His Childhood Crush Because of Stammering, Revealed on The Kapil Sharma Show

By Trictynews
Chandigarh 10th June:- From essaying the role of a 65-year-old retired teacher in his debut film, ‘Saaransh’, to portraying the role of, ‘Doctor Vijay Kapoor’ in an International series named New Amsterdam, Anupam Kher who is truly an attribution of applauds will be seen in the upcoming weekend episode of Sony Entertainment Television’s acclaimed comedy show The Kapil Sharma Show with graceful actress Esha Gupta. With Anupam Kher who comes with years of experience in the industry, his fans are sure to relive their days with him on the show.
Anupam’s fans are aware of the fact that how Anupam went through turning his weakness of stammering into his strength. The man who believes in, ‘will power’ and ‘patience’ confirmed that due to a childhood injury where he got hit by a stone in his mouth, he wasn’t able to pronounce the letter '' (ka) but instead he pronounced it as '' (Ta).
Sharing an incident from his childhood Anupam revealed that he belong to a Hindi medium school and in those days, a Hindi medium school boy proposing  to an English medium school girl was considered to be a tough task. In such a situation, he fell in love with an English medium school girl named, ‘Kavita Kapoor’. However, when he was about to confess his feelings, she challenged himto fluently say, ‘Kavita Kapoor I love you’ which was next to impossible. He wasn’t able to pronounce the initial letter of her name ‘’ (ka). Unfortunately, he couldn’t complete the challenge and ended up saying, ‘Tavita Tapoor I don’t love you’.
The veteran actor later revealed that how with marble speech therapy treatment; he was finally able to get over his weakness of stammering after 3 years. Further in the show he even confessed that due to his poor English, he couldn’t impress his childhood crush.

7th conclave of AISV Office Bearers Forum to Be Held on June 16

By Trictynews
Chandigarh 10th June:- The 7th conclave of All India State Bank Veteran Office Bearers Forum(AISVOF) is scheduled to be held on 16th June 2019 at Chandigarh. The participants include Comrade Amar Pal, TN Goel, Anirudh Akhauri (all former presidents of All India State Bank Officers Federation and Com G D Nadaf and Com Ram Sabapathy( former General Secretaries AISBOF) and a number of former Presidents and General Secretaries Of SBI officers’  Associations Of various Circles.
The Conclave will be inaugurated by Comrade Sanjeev Bandlish, Convenor United Forum Of Bank Unions (UFBU) and Key Note address shall be delivered by Com Sambhit Mishra, President AISBOF. Besides, Com Pawan Kumar, General Secretary SBIOA Lucknow Circle and Com Deepak Dharma & Com Sanjay Sharma, GS and President of SBIOA Chandigarh Circle will be the prominent Guest. Com A Ramesh Babu GS Federation of SBI Pensioners’ Association will be the special guest.
The conclave will discuss the problems of SBI Pensioners and chalk out a road map to resolve the issues especially the issues of improvement in regular Pension, Family Pension and Pension Updation on lines of Reserve Bank Of India, Central Government and also the Mediclaim Scheme.

Mahindra’s Electric 3 Wheler Range Treo and Treo Yaari is Now Available in Punjab

By Trictynews
Chandigarh 10th June:- Mahindra Electric Mobility Ltd, part of the USD 20.7 billion Mahindra Group, today announced that its electric 3-wheeler range Treo and Treo Yaari will now be available across Punjab. It will be priced attractively at Rs. 1.77 lacs (ex-showroom Chandigarh for Treo Yaari SHT) & Rs. 2.79 lacs (ex-showroom Chandigarh for Treo SHT)
Treo, India’s first lithium-ion electric 3 wheeler platform provides eco-friendly last mile mobility. The Treo platform was conceptualized to effectively cater to the needs of both individual customers and aggregators such as fleet owners and institutional buyers, while delivering a superior value proposition. 
According to Mahesh Babu, CEO Mahindra Electric said that Mahindra Treo is India’s first electric three-wheeler to be powered by lithium-ion battery and comes loaded with many segment first features. However, the biggest USP of the vehicle is increase in customer savings thanks to its low-maintenance and running costs.  We are committed to offer the best after sales support through Mahindra’s wide spread dealer network. With Mahindra Treo, its users will definitely earn more per kilometre when compared to a conventional three-wheeler.
Both Treo models are available in the industry-first hard top weather proof variants. With the use of light weight technologies and composite body panels, the Treo offers a driving range of* 130 km (eAuto) in full charge. It also offers best in class comfort for passengers with one of the most spacious interiors in the segment. It’s clutch-less, noiseless and vibration free drive, offers the driver an absolutely fatigue free journey. Apart from all these benefits, Treo range also offers excellent earnings.

IDA Mohali & Sood Sabha Chandigarh and ROTTO PGIMER organizes Organ Donation Camp: 58 Pledge for Organ Donation

By Trictynews
Chandigarh 10th June:- Known for their social and community initiatives, Indian Dental Association (IDA), Mohali Branch and Sood Sabha Chandigarh took the lead to collaborate with ROTTO PGIMER to promote the noble mandate of Organ Donation among their membership by organizing an Awareness and Pledging Camp on Organ Donation alongside the Blood Donation Camp at Sood Bhawan, Sector 44, Chandigarh. The Camp on a positive note with 58 volunteers pledging for Organ Donation on the occasion.
At the inaugural ceremony, Dr. Geeta Kalra, Coordinator (Camps), IDA Mohali Branch, said that community service has been the core agenda of IDA  and there cannot be a better service to humanity than giving someone a fresh lease of life through blood donation or organ donation. Through these humble social and community engagement initiatives, IDA Mohali Branch tries to instill a feeling of “living beyond oneself and giving back to the society” among membership and the response has been very encouraging. Other office bearers representing IDA Mohali Branch present on the occasion included Dr Vimal Kalia, Dr Satpreet Bhasin, Dr Romika Wadehra to mention a few.
While commending the initiative, Prof. Vipin Koushal, Nodal Officer, ROTTO PGIMER, stated that Organ Donation is an intention, a spirit of giving that is possible to actualize. It is high time we talk about it and pledge for it considering the fact that Organ Donation is a true ‘Gift of Life’ because it enables one to give ‘second lease of life’ to many critically ill patients in dire need of organ transplant.
Endorsing the need for public education as critical to bridge the gap between patients who need organs and potential organ donors. Dr Koushal hoped that the initiative undertaken by IDA Mohali Branch and Sood Sabha Chandigarh would inspire others as well to pledge for Organ Donation and help those with ‘bleak chances of survival due to end stage organ failure’ live a quality life through transplantation.
The team representing ROTTO PGIMER addressed queries on the myths and misconceptions pertaining to Organ Donation at the camp. Alongside, the participants were also oriented about the option of online pledging of organ donation to enable them make an informed choice at their own convenience and also spread message in the community. 
The camp event concluded with the felicitation of the participating organizations  as well as guests on the occasion.